1 review for CustomControllerzz is not recommended
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1 review
0 helpful votes

January 13, 2017

I ordered a custom controller back on Nov 28,2016. It is NOW... January 13,2017 As of today I STILL do not have the controller I ordered. I was told & assured I would have it by Christmas not to worry. 5 days before Chrsitmas I called Again asking where was my order. They tell me some parts had to be back ordered they were not working properly but wanted to offer me some other design pieces. NO thats not what I custom ordered. And should'nt you have had someone call me to let me know instead of me calling looking for my purchase? So the guy tells me parts are coming in the next day they will get it together & ship it out no later than Tueday Dec 27th. In the mean time I have been feeding my son a bunch of BS about a Christmas gift that he has yet to receive & was on the top of his list. But has no ideal he is getting. It really breaks my heart to tell my kid lies just to cover up what the f&*$ this place is not doing. SO I then called back on Jan 2,2017 Was told... Oh yeah I have your controller right here. It's all put together ready to go. Looks really good I will be sending it out fist thing in the morning! (Jan 3rd) IT IS NOW January 13,2017 AND I STILL HAVE NO DAMN DARN CONTOLLER! This place is a flipping fooking joke. Normally I am a calm understanding parent. But when I have to repeatedly feed my son BS & repeatedly call & inquire about my purchase it fuels me. PLEASE find another source for custome controller if you can. I WILL NEVER buy through this company again and highly recommend you not to buy from them as well. Mind you I ORDERED ON NOVEMBER 28,2016 IT IS NOW JANUARY 13,2017. This is truly PATHETIC.

Date of experience: January 13, 2017