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2 reviews
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A Spectacular card!
December 17, 2020

For all those interested PROMOTIONAL CODE € 6 code: D8XAR8LE during registration and you will receive € 6 as soon as an operation with the Curve card is carried out.
Curve is a card that allows you to use the other cards in one, very simple and very convenient to use, you can add as many cards as you want and only use the Curve card to pay, while you will pay with another. It works by connecting a credit / debit card in the app, then just check it, there will be a charge of about one euro, check that there is availability, otherwise you will not be able to finish the verification and connect the card, which will be immediately refunded in a couple of days, there will be a code in the details of the charge, which is then entered in the app, as soon as it is done it has been linked to the card in Curve and by selecting as default you can pay with the Curve card as if you would have the other card with you. The Curve card comes to your home for free, it's a MasterCard. Curve has several functions such as sending money between cards and other Curve users, you can withdraw from ATMs and branches using only the money in the Curve card account, it is free, while if you withdraw on behalf of other cards there may be commissions. Curve has a pound currency because it is English, but you can change it at any time from the app and put the one you want as € and $. Be careful when you withdraw because if you enter a currency other than the euro you will not be able to withdraw. Curve also offers 1% cashback for 90 DAYS ONLY in stores such as Amzon, Ebay, MCdonald and others, for online and physical stores. There are also other types of accounts that however have fixed monthly costs and offer permanent cashback of 1%, more broad spending limits and greater operations with sums of money and less commissions in withdrawals.

Date of experience: December 16, 2020