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1 review
0 helpful votes

ID Monitoring Notification - Seriously Lacking.
March 4, 2023

Very disappointing! I have to wonder if this is a ploy by Credit Karma to get people to check their account, update their information CK can pass on to other companies and possibly sign up with one of their affiliates where they can get a kickback? I mean really, a company I provided my email address to gets hacked, and that's the best you can do?
I have never had credit where, if in good standing, and upon request, that I have not been provided with a lower APR, until obtaining credit from one of your affiliates! Not to mention, they damaged my credit rating and caused a creditor to cancel an account!
Until I read an email from Credit Karma stating, I was named in company breaches, I hadn't been to this site in at least a year. Why would I depend on a site that provided me with anything that might cause me potential damage?
The company in question lied to me straight out, wouldn't change the preferences I never agreed to until a problem happened - that they created. They sai marked off, auto payments for the full amount of the bill each month. I never did that. When I requested, numerous times, for proof, they would not supply it, they said, there was no paper trail. I sent my preferences in, by mail! And even after I informed them two dozen plus times, that was not the preference I chose and requested it be changed to the minimum, they never complied, until after the fact! When they did, I spoke with a manager with e serious attitude problem. The only reason I accepted auto payments for the minimum amount was to be covered in the event I didn't make a payment prior to the deadline. Month after month I'd call to make an additional payment against my account and I would hear about what a good customer I was for paying my account in full. Then when I attempted to speak with customer service to make a payment for a lesser amount, the Rep refused insisting, I could pay using the automated system and my account wold be fine. It wasn't. They held my request, took the full payment out of my bank then sent my bank the payment I made prior to the deadline and it bounce. Then we were off and running! It went from bad to worse, caused me all sorts of grief for months. Nope. Don't want to use a site that eventually was the result of months to my current aggravation. I suggest, if you find the need to use a site like Credit Karma, DON'T!

Tip for consumers:

Make certain you get a credit card with APR leverage. A good customer should be treated like one. They should offer to lower their APR, when you've shown reliability. Finally, make certain, when you make payments towards your bills, they don't pull a fast one, by over-riding your preferences. One more thing, don't link bank accounts to companies link PayPal. If you do, but use a credit card account as your preference, they can over-ride your preference based on vendor agreements.

Products used:

I signed up for a credit card through their site, unsecured.

Date of experience: March 4, 2023