For my foregoing critical review person regarding their money convertted into Crazy Cash Points, when the articles are not available. I totally agree your view, since years ago, in such a case they gave you 2 options: or reimbursement of the sum to your bank account you paid off or conversion into the same value in Crazy Cash Points. But I have to protect here the team of Crazy Factory, having been 44 years First Senior Managing Director of a GERMAN Bank in Luxembourg, I must confirm that due to all fraudes, pishings especially from America, Latin America, and all Asian Countries, no bank is any longer allowed to relay your account number in the transfer to the beneficiairy bank here UBS Germany, Ffm nor to the people of Crazy Factory, only your name, address and client s and invoice s number. I personally complaimed with my luxemburgish house bank, that they will have difficulties in not stopping this. Therefore I wanted to excuse the team of Crazy Factory since if they would have to contact each client where the banks are handling the procedure correctly, they would not finish to sens thousands of e-mails to those persons. My luxemburgish house bank is not able to hide my account number, which makes me exploding, but on the other side its fine for me, so Crazy Factory is able to refund each overpayment to my account, But of course in between the was from my bank in Luxembourg to the clearing bank in Germany and further on to UBS in Frankfurt, Germany in favour of the beneficiary a lot of pishing spions could cut a lot of information they need to debit your current account or your credit card. But as final information, if it is a bigger amount they converted into Crazy Cash Points and you are not a regular and trustee client of the Company as I do, write simply an e-mail to the Team of C.F. Indicating your current account number, and they will re-convert the Crazy Cash Points and refund to you your money in between 3 max. 5 days. Millions of clients is an enormeous workload to satisfy each ckient and their sometimes special clients. I know about what I am speaking working for GERMAN Clients during 44 years, With my kindest regards from LU-3864 Schifflange in Luxembourg and take good care of you. Raymond (signed) Raymond Paul TINTINGER-BAUM