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1 review
21 helpful votes

Not impressed anymore
May 18, 2021

I made the mistake of ordering again from here. Being told the shipping issues had been fixed. I also found it amusing that the owner was asking all of her follow to leave reviews. Check the date of most of the reviews and they are all around the same time. She has some scary followers on Facebook that are almost militant in their responses. If you don't love Fred, her shop, oils, posts they come after you. I find it amusing all of the people with raving reviews do admit the shipping time is longer with her than other shops but claim it is because of the work she is putting into it. That in itself is crap. I ordered several orders from her Etsy shop that came within normal shipping times. Same oils, same process, same everything. Then I had I think 3 or 4 orders with Etsy that just never shipped. On her Facebook page she claimed she no longer had access to her account. I have had an Etsy seller account and I received an email on every item sold. So my question is, did she just not keep those? She was asking people to email one of her admins on her Facebook page (that was extremely rude, aggressive, and hateful) with info about orders. Someone had mentioned that not everyone was in Facebook, Fred said they would eventually get a refund then. That is horrible customer service. It isn't the customers responsibility after ordering and paying to keep updating the seller. WOW. So I tried the new shop and again long shipping times but at least this time they shipped. But again, not until after having to contact the seller more than once about the orders. It was indicated that it was taking so much time due to the oils having to be on Fred's alter for a month then issues with the post office. Explain then how with the Etsy shop I received 3 orders within 3 weeks of ordering one of those came in 2. That tells me either that is a total lie, or the business is too big for her to handle and can't keep up with the orders. Otherwise why can't it be on the altar for a month before it is even placed on the site to order? Explain why crystals take just as long to be received. She doesn't have to do anything with those but package and ship. After all of this I ordered again. Again after two months no order. Had to send an email, low and behold as soon as I sent an email I received a notice that my order had been shipped. I guess if you want to spend time emailing to check up in your order you might be OK. I don't have time for that. On top of that she yells at people on her Facebook page about not paying their invoices. What about people who have paid for orders and are waiting over 2 months for them. I am not impressed with the company. Customer service is lacking. They keep getting kicked off platforms and in my opinion it's because money is being taken but orders not being shipped. It's like ordering from WISH. I like the oils and I have many of them but it has become more of a hassle than anything. I found a local place to go to and if they are out of something they actually contact me with where else I can buy it or when they will get it in. Way better customer service.
So the product itself is good but everything else surrounding it makes it bad.

Products used:

Conjure oils

Date of experience: May 18, 2021