14 reviews for Collage are not recommended
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1 review
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Rare Company Combines Excellent Products with Exceptional Customer Service
September 19, 2022

I was the manager of a high end portrait photography studio and lab for 9 years so I know a bit of what I speak. I purchase the Canvas prints the most often because they are such a fantastic deal and the finished product is top notch! Canvas prints will last longer and showcase any print in any decor or room. They will become heirlooms. They draw attention to the image alone (which is a big plus for floating frames, if you must have them). They can be pricey - but not with Collage.com! In addition to being less expensive than other companies (without sacrificing quality), you also have the opportunity to wait for reduced pricing specials.

What's more, Collage.com is that rare breed of company that combines excellent products with exceptional customer service.

I had a blanket made that showed four generations of one family. It included the great-grandmother, one of her sons and his wife, their three sons as they grew up, and the wives and children of these three sons. Both one son and his wife have passed away, leaving behind two preteen girls. The original son (the grandfather of the girls) and his wife have now officially adopted these two girls and that is reflected by the positioning of their pictures on this blanket. They have hung this blanket on the wall. It is quite stunning.

I made another blanket with far fewer pictures on it of my sister-in-law and my deceased brother, who passed away in an accident two weeks after they were married. My sister-in-law says when she is having a hard time she curls up in this blanket so she feels as though he is hugging her. Collage.com provides care instructions with each blanket, too.

My husband passed away when one daughter was in her second year of college. I made a collage of pictures of just the two of them and had that made into a puzzle as my daughter and her husband like to do puzzles together. It was a perfect gift.

I am confined to my bed 24/7 and I have canvas prints of my six kids and their families all over the walls of my bedroom. I feel full of love as I look at them and I, too, feel as though I am being hugged. My caretakers and friends never tire of looking at my pictures and asking about them. To be clear - I would never have advocated for this amount of pictures on one wall, let alone 3+ walls in the same room but surprisingly, it has worked! Another friend says my room reminds him of an art museum where you can look and look and look, yet still find more you want to look at the next time you come.

And to top it off, Collage.com's Customer Service is better than any I've seen in a long time. If you are not happy with your print, even if it's your fault (within reason, of course). For instance, I gave a large wedding portrait to friends. Her gown was swirled out to the side, which meant that the only way to show the entire gown was to place the couple off-center. The groom was not happy with the result and Collage.com reprinted it, centering the couple with new cropping instructions. Spectacular result! For another gift, the print was a hair too dark and the guy did not like his skin tone. Collage.com reprinted it to his satisfaction.

I have always said that anything worth saving is worth displaying. Don't put it in a book - put it on the wall (or table, etc.)! What good is an heirloom tucked away in a drawer? Put it where you can see it and enjoy it every day!

Collage.com makes that possible.

Tip for consumers:

Take your time. If you’re not sure how to do these, ask on the chat - VERY RESPONSIVE AND HELPFUL!

Products used:

Canvas prints, photo blankets, puzzles, specially designed prints.

Date of experience: September 19, 2022
14 reviews for Collage are not recommended