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1 review
4 helpful votes

2016 - MARK's professional manner, helpfulness, and speedy response was greatly appreciated.
May 13, 2016

Dear Mark, MAY 2016

I believe that when a person goes out of their way to be helpful, compassionate, caring, AND professional, especially at such a sad and devastating time when we lose someone we love so much, I feel that it is important, and right, to reciprocate and show appreciation for your sensitivity, and give you positive feedback to acknowledge that valued kindness.

Dear Reader, I am writing this review to help others, who, at a time of great distress and sadness, are faced with large costs for a coffin.

Some service providers take advantage of people in great distress, at such a sad time. I learned, however, that funeral directors cannot prevent you from buying your own coffin, if you find that their prices are much greater than you can find elsewhere. You need to let them know that you can buy a coffin cheaper somewhere else and agree with them for the coffin to be posted direct to them.

No-one persuaded me to use the Coffin Company services. The reason that I did, was as a result of the high costs of coffins from different funeral service providers confirmed during a discussion. Therefore, it was a case of comparing prices for products of a similar quality and design. I checked Coffincompany.co.uk. And spoke to Mark. He explained about the different options, and also told me to check the clearance section to see if there was a coffin there that we liked. There was a big difference in the price for a quality coffin, to what was being asked for a similar coffin elsewhere. Remember to check if there is a cost for delivery, if you choose a premium coffin in the clearance section that has a high discount, and check which coffins are free delivery. It was such a relief to be able to find a beautiful coffin, at a fair and affordable price, that enabled us to give our loved one the respect and dignity that was befitting for them. This prevented us getting into debt.

Some small family businesses, I do acknowledge, can provide a coffin for a similar price to that of the Coffin Company, and that is great! And I do prefer to support a family business and it is ideal if they can provide a coffin at the same price as Coffin Company.
It is great for the bereaved families, and, it is great for their own business, for they will get return customers, who are happy with their fair service, and their personalised family approach to the final honour given to the loved ones that we have lost. So their's is
A win, win, outcome. But for those bereaved individuals and families who find themselves being faced with astronomical charges, there is hope, and some relief.

Our family were relieved when we found Coffincompany.co.uk.
We were able to get a quality coffin, at a fair and affordable price. But more than that, we were treated as unique individuals, and treated with compassion, courtesy and respect yet in a professional manner. Mark is such a kind man. I was in a very distressed state when I telephoned him. He was really lovely, kind and helpful. There was no hard sell. Just helpfulness. So I would like others to know that it is possible to give your loved one the best you can, at a price you can afford, so that both you, and your loved ones - can rest in peace.

Please accept my gratitude and appreciation of your first class service. You were so kind, patient, very helpful, and dignified when I was upset and flustered owing to the difficult circumstances. You also responded to a constrained timescale with professional acumen which was first rate.

Best wishes.
Kind regards,


Date of experience: May 12, 2016