I'm an average hard working guy who lives pay check to pay check and quite honestly tired of the trump this or trump that has everyone forgot about bengazi and health care issues from previous presidential pukes like Hillary and Obama with all there lies and who pays Mr mullers investigation bull shi t cause honestly fire all them what a joke go after the real crooks that let our soldiers die and killed are health care and lied to all the American people I'm sorry but what a joke I'm 43 with no retirement can't even afford to put anything into a retirement program and the physical work I do I will be dead before I can even collect social security witch I have paid into since I was 15 and they just keep upping the age to collect not to mention taxes I will be gone and my family won't have shi t. But yet all these political figures retire early with unbelievable pensions amazing the hard working people like me support this country all over the world and get nothing but the easy pencil pushing political figures and the rich just keep riding to the top are country is a joke and I stand by getting all immigrants out this country needs to help the so called middle class not the rich you no that's a big problem and I do support trump in that aspect I love my country and freedom that I have paid out the $#*! to live in but don't think it's fair to people like me who 90% will never see social security they so well deserved because they work physically hard job's that will leave them dead before they can retire I hope a lot of people see this and realize that it's just not right 4 kids and a wife with no savings and no retirement God help us all from