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1 review
19 helpful votes

Possibly a scam, worst service I have ever received
June 23, 2019

I ordered two packages from Cleanse & Co; one with a crystal-infused candle and other goodies totalling $120, and one with two candles totalling $64.

It is my worst-ever experience dealing with a business. They never shipped my $120 order (despite paying for express shipping) and my $64 order turned up with poor-quality wax pouring and marks down the side of my candles, a lid punctured from the inside, and no labels or branding on the candle.

Meanwhile, I tried to contact them about my missing $120 order through two e-mails, a submission through their web form, and and Instagram private DM - zero response but they were still active on social media, posting sales, making stories, and encouraging others to buy on their *******@cleanseandco.

I had to resort to tagging Cleanse & Co in comments and asking them where my order was to draw attention to the situation. At this stage I found others with the same issue whose comments were being deleted and blocked. The owner "Hayley" finally replied to my DM accusing me of slandering her business and telling me to be more compassionate - three weeks after I had placed an order with credit card details on her website and she had not bothered to ship it or make any effort to respond to communication. She then told me my name was not in the system - before refunding me (allegedly - the money has not come through yet) from the very same system. I screenshotted all of this to use as evidence in reports as I expected she would block me (she has).

During this correspondence, in which she was sarcastic, arrogant and nonapologetic, I noticed she had grammatical errors which make me suspect Cleanse & Co might not even be operating within Australia as claimed, which would explain poor quality control and delays.

Cleanse and Co does not display their ABN or an address or contact number on their website (only e-mail address and Instagram link) so contacting them to resolve issues is extremely difficult. Furthermore, they don't use merchants such as PayPal so it is extremely difficult to dispute a payment if something goes wrong. Finally, they have disabled Facebook reviews and aren't on Google My Business so people can't leave reviews directly.

I live in fear that this business owner will retaliate against me for speaking out about her business. I have reported her to the ACCC. Please reconsider buying their products.

Tip for consumers:

Take a record of their ABN from ABN lookup so that you can report them if something goes wrong with your order.

Date of experience: June 22, 2019