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23 reviews
99 helpful votes

I enjoyed my experience
April 12, 2016

I was with another dating website for a little bit and realized quickly that it was not what I was looking for. I was looking for a sight were people didn't just have to put that they were religious or were raised Catholic, or Baptist or whatever other denomination. I wanted one where there would be chat rooms and conversations about faith and scripture and other important aspects of the Christian faith. NOW, this is what I know from all of my years spent in private Baptist schools and in church and also being a pastor's daughter - just because a person says they are a Christian doesn't mean they are SAVED. And I'm sure there is someone reading this who knows exactly what I am talking about and understands the difference. In short, anyone raised in a Bible believing God fearing church can call themselves Christian, but to be saved means that the person has a personal and intimate relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. So, with that being said and knowing this I knew that just like on any other site there would be people who said one thing but did and lived another.

So I met 2 gentlemen. One gentleman was Mennonite. He was very nice and we had wonderful conversations both every day conversations and faith based. But he just wasn't the one for me.

The second gentleman. So let me preference this by saying, growing up my father told me he always prayed for myself and my siblings and our future spouses and he told me that when we find the right one we will just know it. So now, I'm going through my matches for the day and I must have went through about 15 of them, some I gave smiles to others I skipped over, but when I got to number 16, I stopped and literally said out loud, "He is the one." It wasn't a extra special picture or anything, it was just a picture of him in his ASUs - and let me add - I have never had any interest in military men - none what so ever! But every once of me said that he was the one. I smiled at him and from there we emailed back and forth, then after about 2 weeks we met, and then a year later we were married. And yes we are both saved. For God to lead me to him he would have to have been because God knows what my father prayed for and what I prayed for in my husband.

So I had a fine experience. I think people go into online dating with unrealistic expectations. I read the post from the gentleman who said the woman wanted him to buy her something. He could've met that same lady on the street and guess what? She probably still would've asked you to buy her something. That is just who she is, nothing to do with the website.

People have heard that church girls are naive and easy so of course people posing as Christians are going to be on the site, duh? If a guy/dog hears easy he wants it.

So I have nothing but good things to say about Christian Mingle.

Date of experience: April 12, 2016