4 reviews for Chop Box are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
1 review
0 helpful votes

January 4, 2023

Quick and painless, with great quality products. Nver disappointed. Thanks

Date of experience: January 4, 2023
1 review
1 helpful vote

Recieved open hot destroyed box most order was missing meat. Was thawed out
November 30, 2022

Box open nothing init but two pieces of meat. Which were thawed box destroyed

Date of experience: November 30, 2022
New Jersey
2 reviews
0 helpful votes

April 16, 2021

Absolutely will be buying this item again. Melt in your mouth Filet Mignon.

Date of experience: April 16, 2021
1 review
0 helpful votes

April 16, 2021

I am putting together another order now! Pork chops, scalAWESOME! Lops and club steaks!

Date of experience: April 16, 2021
4 reviews for Chop Box are not recommended