2 reviews for Chanel are not recommended
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1 review
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Chanel does not take ownership for their mistakes
October 28, 2022

I purchased from Chanel.com and selected yes to the "essential pouch" in which Chanel sends an email confirmation acknowledgment of my order and the essential cotton pouch. My order arrived, I was missing the essential pouch so I called right away. At first I thought this should be an easy fix, I was polite and sent my proof/picture of my items via email to "Ashley" while on the phone with her to confirm received and to go over my order of the missing items. Ashley confirmed that someone will reach out to me in 48 hours so ok I waited and no response so I emailed and then I called Ashley. I was told that my case has been canceled due to no response, she couldn't verify if someone called me or emailed and I was vocal when I confirmed no one reached or or communicated with me so your side had been dishonest when notating my account. I asked what number would Chanel call from or what email and I can DOUBLE CHECK but she could not comment. Shocker.

Ashley spoke with her manager "Amy" today 10/28/22 around 8pm PST. Amy communicated to Ashley stating it's not Chanels fault even if it's on CHANEL'S WEBSITE, and they will not assist me but will send my case to another escalated queue. Own up to it AMY, it's in writing on your CHANEL's WEBSITE…weird huh.

I really feel that I've provided proof, contacted Chanel ASAP and even had been polite plus patient. The information is on YOUR WEBSITE CHANEL.COM, AMY the manager still declined to honor the website and the option Chanel gives its buyers and will not fulfill the order completely. Today I felt extremely small and DISCRIMINATED due to the fact that I did not spend enough or up to CHANEL's standards to even deserve Amy's time in assisting YOUR/CHANEL's mistake.

I have all this proof to provide, come at me.

Tip for consumers:

I hope your order is fulfilled correctly, if not beware that customer service will waive you off or try to send you off.

Products used:

I didn’t use the products, these were bought as gifts.

Date of experience: October 28, 2022
2 reviews for Chanel are not recommended