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1 review
7 helpful votes

Stay Away! Rudely Fail to Deliver Service or Support
February 23, 2015

Stay away from this service. They don't deliver on services, they avoid providing support, they are rude when you do finally receive support, and then they are very difficult to receive a refund from when it's required. There are other services out there. Use them instead.

Without a doubt this is the worst company I've ever had the misfortune to deal with. But I would hesitate to call it a "company." My experience suggests it's more of a teenage or twenty-something slacker camping out in his parents' basement, rising from the mattress on the floor only as required to process a few orders a day.

The web-based ordering experience works well enough, but only because it's automated. If an order goes sideways, the entire experience with this outfit goes sideways right along with it.

If you want to communicate with anyone here, you wouldn't have much luck unless you're willing to commit a substantial amount of time to chasing them through every means possible -- email, telephone and web chat.

It was my experience that only one in every ten emails are responded to.

They never answer the phone, and there's no voicemail. Every once in a while you'll catch the guy on web chat and that's when you'll finally be able to communicate. But communication itself was awful.

The person I spoke to was rude, argumentative, and dismissive of my concerns. I had to coach him to be calm and actually provide assistance. But even then, he sent me down a rabbit hole with hours of troubleshooting that weren't necessary. He already knew that iPhone 6 unlocks with Bell were problematic and was just buying himself time.

Despite advertising iPhone 6 unlocks, this outfit was unable to provide an actual unlock, despite having communicated that an unlock had been performed.

I'm now in the process of requesting a refund for their failure to deliver the promised service and, not surprisingly, this is proving to be the most difficult and painful process of all. I was promised a refund within a few hours last Thursday, but here it is Monday and I've yet to receive it, and my email are again being ignored.

Bottom line: stay away from this service. They don't deliver, they avoid providing support, they are rude when you do finally receive support, and then they are very difficult to receive a refund from when it's required. There are other services out there. Use them instead.

Date of experience: February 23, 2015