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North Dakota
1 review
18 helpful votes

Beware of this Caregiver
April 10, 2016

We've recently had a bad experience with a very dysfunctional, self-centered caregiver and we want to warn other families to beware. Her name is Krista Collins. On your first encounter with her, she appears very experienced in caregiving, especially with dementia care. As time went on, she felt a sense of entitlement to do all her personal business on your dime with your loved one. We provided a very warm and inviting environment. There is a private bedroom for the caregivers with a Smart Tv and WiFi. We provide food and leave cash for them to use for gas, groceries and evidently many Starbuck's runs. My mom is 86 but very functional. She's ambulatory, bathes, dresses and feeds herself. She has dementia so needs some basic care to guide her through the day. Help with meals and medication reminders.
Since she is not totally dependent on the caregivers, we tell them all she can be left for short periods of time if they need to do any errands. That means a run to the bank or grocery store etc. Well this caregiver took total advantage of the situation and felt that her personal business that she was doing on our time could not be avoided. Those are her words.
She was hired for 4 days a week so she has 3 other full days to get her car serviced, appointments with attorneys, countless phone calls, faxing documents and all the other distractions she brought to the commitment she made to help with my mom. Shortly after she started with us, she needed to take time off for a death in the family. She left for 2 weeks without giving us date she would be back. Of course, my mom was well taken care of as I took the time off my job to care for her.
As time went on, there was noticeable difference in my mom's behavior. Krista had her on a very high fat diet and was letting her sleep all morning. This is all documented in the caregiver notes along with receipts from Starbucks while my mom was sleeping.
We never docked her pay for all these times she would run out and leave my mom. We started to ask her to try to do her personal business on her own time and she became very defensive. The next week she texted us that she was done and wouldn't be coming back!
Yes, left us high and dry at the last minute! Fortunately, we are finding some very qualified, caring replacements so in reality, she did us favor.
Just know this caregiver comes with a lot of dysfunction and an attitude.

Thank you,
The Miranda Family

Date of experience: April 10, 2016