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Camping World risked my family's life and made us HOMELESS!
August 13, 2023

Camping World Fresno made me HOMELESS!

On July 22,2023, I purchased what I thought was a NEW motorhome. Since then, I have learned just how much I did not know about buying an RV, and just how much FRAUD Camping World is willing to commit to sell you something that is not only not what they say it is, but may also RISK YOU AND YOUR FAMILY'S LIVES.

The best part is that while I've been able to reach people all the way to corporate, the one common theme is that they listen to your initial input then just actively ignore you. The GM of the place, Justin "Jay" Mele even went so far as to block me on LinkedIn when I reached out!
I was very clear to the team that I was a first-time motorhome owner (have had a trailer before) and was IMMEDIATELY traveling solo for a 3 month stretch. This is why I was willing to spend so much on a NEW coach.

This team NEVER provided a PDI and now refuse to provide me one after me asking twice. And it's clear why! They KNEW this thing was a piece of trash, and the kicker is, then they gaslight you on it. When it would not start after being in front of my house for 5 days, the salesguy Gary had the audacity to ask me if I was sure I was pushing the button he was telling me to push.

Now just two weeks later, it's become very clear that they did no safe storage or maintenance of this coach and sold me something that is a DANGER TO MY FAMILY.

The immediate issues:

-Balks out around 50mph on climbs (I'm talking, pedal to the floor)
-Had to be jumped to leave where it was parked (for 5 days), which caused a day delay in my departure
-The AC units don't pump even remotely close to what I need for my animals to be safe in the temps we need to go to - we hit 100 at 11 in the morning when it was 86 outside
-Electric water heater does not work
-Propane does not work
-The jacks don't work appropriately and don't level
-There is an internal and external leak that alternates between water and some random brown substance
-AV system doesn't work well - you can barely hear the TV
-Fan in the bathroom died in one week
-Rippling consistent at all top seams internally (looks like humidity damage)
-Peeling trim in multiple areas
-Had to actually nail in trim that was falling off
-Driver's window won't open
-Roof seams look old and worn (I was told they were new and did not climb up to check myself at the dealership, so I guess my bad)
-Awning is crooked when rolled out
-Slide flaps are unsecured and make a ton of noise in wind

On Monday, August 7th, I connected with internet sales guy Travis Day at 10:30 as our camper was quickly approaching 100 degrees inside with both ACs blasting (86 outside). By 11:11am, the camper hit 100 and I had to remove my family and animals as it was physically unsafe to be in. My cat was in the process of overheating, and thankfully I caught it fast enough, but let's now add almost putting my cat in the hospital (or killing her) to the list of what Camping World Fresno has done for me.

I was finally able to reach the SVP of Marketing in Corporate on the 9th, Brandon Mulhall, who said to email him and Jason Shipley. But apparently that was just so they could ignore me, too.

What would have cost this team maybe 2-5k in service would have made this coach perfect and it would have been NEW.

Instead, it is UNLIVABLE and UNSAFE. I put it into storage on Thursday, August 10 at Johnson RV (call Lorenzo if you want actual help), am having to pay for storage and independent inspection while being forced to live in a hotel with my animals (this is also expensive). I've lost over 40 billable hours, am 2 weeks behind schedule, and now dealing with finding and interviewing lawyers, calling the manufacturer, etc. All a bunch of things I SHOULD NOT HAVE TO DO.

I should be on the road living my American dream in my NEW coach. And what good is an elite warranty if they tell me they cannot fit me in till JANUARY?

I WANT MY MONEY BACK, Camping World Fresno. And I don't plan to stop till I get it.

Don't waste your time or money dealing with these sheisters.

Tip for consumers:

I want them to give me my money back.

Products used:

2022 Thor Hurricane 31C

Date of experience: August 13, 2023