1 review for Burt's Bees Baby is not recommended
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1 review
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Horrendous Customer Support
December 12, 2023

I ordered a set of 4 total Christmas Jammies from Burt's Bees Baby at the end of September.
I had used a coupon code and upon receiving my items I realized 2 of them were too big. Because I received 40% off of my order + free shipping, I wanted to have assistance with this return to hopefully ensure a price match since it was going to just be a size exchange on a new, and very popular unworn item. Their company, their rules, but I've never known a company to not be at the very least this accommodating.
After several, and I mean several attempts to have continuous communication with Burt's Bees Baby I was continuously unsuccessful due to two emails not being received by me, while that's a technical issue, I still took blame for those failed communications, but also just being ignored entirely by the customer support team.

Besides the two emails I did not receive (and yes I checked every folder) every other email/Facebook message I did receive and respond to resulted in no response, even when I was in contact with a manager who (completely on their own) offered to check back stock for the size I was requesting. Followed by no follow up and ignored messages by me kindly asking for updates on that as Christmas is approaching and we had pictures planned very soon at the time. Spoiler alert: it's the 12th and I probably won't get them and match with my family. May not seem like a big deal but isn't that what they advertise? The ads made it a big deal to me!

I finally, after I don't even know how many times I have tried to call (I've only left maybe 2 voicemails over this time period so I'm not flooding the voicemail) get an answer on the customer service line.
I explain to the woman that I ordered these XMAS PJ's over 3 months ago, I have refreshed the BBB page everyday in hopes my size becomes available and I finally found one. I immediately ordered it in hopes to have my family in our matching PJ's on Christmas morning. I just wanted to know if she could maybe expedite my shipping due to the headache I've experienced so I can try on the new pair in a different size and make a decision, while also returning the unwanted PJ's back to their warehouse by their deadline.
This woman was so discourteous and condescending when I explained how important the pjs were to my family, and all I wanted was to make sure that I could have a price match because I am a stay at home mom and can't justify spending $40 brand new! And if they're unworn why can't I just exchange them in my size it's not like I can try them on in a store?
Overall I'm very unhappy with BBB and it's so disheartening after we were showered in sleep sacks, pjs, towels/washcloths, skin care, etc… when we had our baby and have been so loyal to the brand via Amazon, Target, etc… ever since! It's all we buy for baby showers, always restock in their products. If only I had been saving receipts!
The woman on the phone, and the horrible customer support was disappointing coming from such a sweet, widely loved brand like Burt's Bees. I really just want them to do better. Im a new mom and this is a special Christmas for me, I would have loved to have had these!

Date of experience: December 12, 2023
1 review for Burt's Bees Baby is not recommended