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1 review
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Biometrics on Bumble
February 19, 2024

From my experience, on day one, after I made a profile and edited a few things, within 24 hours, they wanted verification of who I am. It's an optional thing for verification (not sure I believe that), but their policy says they can request it. I don't have a problem with verification to prevent fraud, but as they say in their policy they use humans moderators and in some cases biometrics. Believe me, from my view, their is no human comparing photos (I tested it in many ways), it's just purely biometrics of your face. My understanding is they store it for a minimum of three years and a third party is involved. I don't trust any form of collecting biometrics information sitting on unknown servers waiting to be hacked. It's not like your credit card where you can just change cards. It's something that is permanent and can be used wrongfully in the wring hands. What happens to that info when the company is sold or doesn't exist in the future sitting on computers somewhere? As is a frequent complaint on these reviews, there is no real customer support - no phone number either. I have emailed support both through the Bumble app and regular response emails over 22 times with different ways of expressing my concerns. I was requesting that they just compare photos ONLY by using humans - NO biometrics, or delete my account and refund my money.

After a week, i get a generic canned response of telling me how to delete my account. And, that wasn't even correct. That is, I can't get into your account to delete it UNLESS I go through the biometrics approval and it passes ( which many have said they can't get it passed). In the mean time, they keep charging me. I kept emailing them again, another week goes by, I get another canned response with only instructions from them how to use there verification process. Duh... Nothing new,; same no response to my questions. I even made a case that a bot, or a scamming human being would not go through this much effort of original content relevant emails. That it is just common sense with that alone! Of course, no response. Like so many things in our society now, they want to force you into their system. If you don't fit the mold and/or not willing, they will take money and just leave you in limbo. They know that you are too small to fight the corporate machine, so they just keep pilfering and fleecing. Human integrity is going out the window for profit only models which is going to and has already started bitting us in the a*s. Stay away from this site!

Boycott none human interaction companies that don't even have actual human support. This will pressure others to start putting that forward. But, just wait for AI to fake human interaction. Another profit driven scheme in the waiting, sadly..

Tip for consumers:

Don't use it unless you are fine having your biometrics stored on unknown servers which can be potentially hacked, and you don't care about having any real customer support. Not sure of the dating part since from day one they wanted my biometrics which I refused to give, instead requesting they use humans to compare instead. No response, can't delete account without subjecting to biometrics because I can't get in to delete it.

Date of experience: February 19, 2024