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1 review
13 helpful votes

This is Richard from Florida
November 18, 2014

This is Richard from Florida
I was very interested in trying to find a printer to start my own business customizing phone cases.
I searched the internet for a suitable printer for my requirements.
I found a company in China called Brotherjet so i sent a message to see if they had a printer to suit my needs.
I was contacted by there salesman called Allen he gave me all the information i needed he talked in depth about the M1 printer and it sounded just the thing i needed to start my business.
When it came to ordering the printer and paying for it i asked Allen what method of payment can i pay by, he said western union this concerned me a money transfer to somebody i didnt know i explaind this to Allen and he provided me with phone numbers of clients that had brought printers in the past from Brotherjet.
Anyway i decided to trust Allen after many hours of talking through messages and skype.
When i sent the money through western union and brotherjet received it they sent me live pictures through skype to show the printer was being packed for shipping.
Later that day i got the tracking number and tracked it every day until it arrived.
When it arrived i skyped there customer services and spoke to Sunny who guided me through the installation process. Sunny was very helpful.
The M1 printer worked fine until i tried to change the ink cartridges then i started to get issues with the printer.
I contacted Allen and told him about the problems i was having he got Sunny to contact me straight away and she tried everything to solve the problems i was having but for the amount of work i was doing with the M1 printer i could keep having these problems.
So Allen contacted me for a chat and told me if i would pay the extra they would send me the more reliable M2 printer.
I agreed to this and as before they skyped me when they packed it and got it ready for shipping.
I received the printer within 3 days and was skped by Sunny and talked through the setting up process.
I have been running the M2 printer now for six weeks and never had any problems
Thank you to Allen, Sunny and all the team at Brotherjet for helping me to start my own custom phone case business.
If you have any doubt about how the process works DON`T HAVE they are a very reliable and helpful company.
Once again a massive thank you to Allen Sunny and all the team at Brotherjet.

Richard for gizmoscustomcases.

Date of experience: November 17, 2014