Received a letter from BG stating that I could make savings if I switched to a singke rate meter and changed payment to Direct Debit; I followed the link in the letter to a webpage, from there booked an appointment to have an engineer fit a single rate meter, then I received a confirmation letter of appointment, it was at this point I noticed smart meter; not in any of the communication was a smart meter mentioned; I contacted them about this but a reasonable explanation was not offered, after yet a further communication I put to them that they was pulling a fast one, that they was just teasing myself; I wrote a letter where I stated the problems in terms of health when it comes to smart meters, the response was basically to not refute anything I wrote apart from saying that its ok with the government. As I have put to them they are basically charging to save money, because if a digital meter is fitted I have to pay for it, and now they are saying digital meters are in short supply.
Considering their stated goal is to help save money should I have to pay to do this?
In addition earler last year I set a direct debit paymney method, but not only did they take the dirst payment within three weeks they took a second payment of the same anount approx £263, when contacted about this they claimed that I had agreed to this; I contacted the bank, had the second payment rescinded, stopped the Direct Debit; it was only to the bank did they say the mistake was on their part.