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1 review
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Best decision and purchase ever
May 4, 2023

I was in the market to upgrade my old ring after 11 years of marriage I deserved it. I went shopping around and was always interested in lab grown diamonds because of all the negative feedback I was getting from mine diamonds. I went to a local jeweler from a referral from a friend, they did not sell Lab- grown diamonds because she claims that they aren't real diamonds and that they cause a more waste than mined diamonds. I'm not sure if that's true or not but i haven't heard of war lords using locals as slaves to grow a diamond. I also don't agree that lab grown diamonds are not real diamonds, are you going to say ice isn't real ice unless it's from the North Pole? I still allowed her to try and quote me the cost of a real diamond for what I wanted. For a 1 K pear F I1 would cost me $3500. And a radiant.86 K G I 1 would also be $3500 another $1500 for an 18 K band and the grand total would be $8000.

From brilliance.com I got a pear 2K color F VVS2 a cusion 2.10 K color E Vs1 with 18 k gold band all for a grand total of $3900.

I placed my order March 9,2023 and received it on May 3rd 2023.

Dimitry helped me with my order and when he was too busy he made sure another person contacted me, mostly through text which I prefer since the time difference between me and them is 6 hours.

Honestly my ring looks soo luxurious that I'm ashamed how brilliant it looks in the sun. I've never worn anything so beautiful at anytime of my life. My parents who are old school skeptics think that it's so gigantic and brilliant that there's no way I paid less than 10 grand on my ring. They think it must be a scam some how lol

I highly recommend this website and getting a labgrown diamond. The wait time and annoyance of having to search your own diamond on their site is worth the huge amount of money you will save and the supreme quality diamond you will receive. I had painstakingly took my time in learning all about grading the diamond and sizing and cut because this would be my last ring I'll ever where for the rest of my life and it was worth it. Just do your research sit at the website and look until you find the perfect diamond.

I had a hard time taking a picture in the sunlight because my ring was literally blinding me.

Tip for consumers:

Plan ahead of time, it’s not really a rush purchase

Date of experience: May 4, 2023