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3 reviews
19 helpful votes

Boscov's does it all wrong, worse than Southwest and Concast combined- better off flushing your $
July 29, 2016

I shopped at Boscov's for the first time this July and have had nothing but problems with them since, 2.5 weeks and no resolution yet.
First they fished around in my bank account by placing a hold in the ammount of $600 for items that had already been charged to my account but not shipped. I called to have them remove the illegitimate charge & it was a nightmare. It took 2 hours, 6 discourteous, unhelpful and ill-natured customer "service" reps, 3 disconnects( i was told by Felix their phones are rigged to hang up on ppl after 10 minutes, rather evasive, imo) and a rude email telling me to contact my bank if i need further assistance understanding the holds procedure.
A few days later my merchandise began to arrive in deplorable condition.
Items were carelessly thrown in bags and dumped in boxes. They placed a pair of shoes-completely unwrapped on top of lingerie-also completely unwrapped-in a bag in a loosely packed box and shipped it across the country! The lingerie was pulled and snagged and certainly not in new condition. A pair of shoes arrived with debris on the upper and signs of wear & tear on the sole-they appear to have been worn & are also not in new condition. Many other items appeared to have been worn(showed signs of filth such as foul aromas and smears)and returned. In fact, the only merchandise from Boscov's that arrived in new and acceptable condition were 4 pairs of men's pajamas, still in their factory packaging
I thought I was ordering merchandise and paying for it to be delivered to my home in perfect condition. That did not happen.
As it turns out, I payed for:
1. The inconvenience and waste of time and money spending 2 hours on the phone babysitting rude & unhelpful staff while they fix Boscov's accounting mistakes
2. The inconvenience of photographing and documenting their shoddy, careless packaging and the damaged merchandise it produced
3. The inconvenience and waste of time sending 9(!)emails (including photos and explanations) in total so far without achieving resolution. Their best offer is "send it back, we will refund you when we get our merch back. Boscov's wants to blame UPS so they can avoid losing $. Macy's on the other hand offered an immediate replacement at no extra charge or further inconvenience to me. I received an email confirming this within moments & my replacement will be here in 3 days. All they required from me was to " please safely dispose of damaged items". <3 them for that!
Simultaneously, I had placed orders w/ Macy's, Target, Vitacost, Vitaglo, and several others. No one else placed holds on my account for money they had already deducted/received ( even and especially the large orders) and everything but one item arrived in ship-shape condition. The one "problem" was very easily resolved in less than 5 minutes with one phone call-this was Macy's-their customer service is outstanding, i will continue to shop there, but NOT at Boscov's. I have 25 + years of retail employment experience, ( and even more shopping experience :D ), let me tell you, Boscov's is doing it all wrong. Don't waste those hard earned $$$ and precious time there. You will be ripped off and treated poorly.

Date of experience: July 29, 2016