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1 review
1 helpful vote

Worst company I have EVER dealt with
April 22, 2018

I have Never used such a terrible company in all my life! Such a SHALBMES OF A COMPANY! All I have had over the last two weeks is issues after issues. There customer service team is absolutely shocking, my dog could give out better advice and service than these people who work here. All the staff have done is lie to me, given me misleading advice, none of them know what the hell they are doing! None of them know the legislation, and the fact that boohoo is infact inbreach of this by refusing a cacelation of a order once places. A parcel was delivered to the wrong address; they were no option to cancel the order. I contacted them when i placed the order and they refused to cancel or change the address... despite it not being dispatched! Then when it gets delivered to the wrong address, they refused to aknowledge it was their fault and their poor customer service and systems! They blamed the customer, and expected me to get this parcel redirected somehow... what firm does this?!?!?!?!?!?! When I quoted the consumer goods act, they soon changed their tune, and agreed to pick up the parcel and redeliver me a new one! Now i have been told they cannot give me a new one, only refund me and i have to reorder. This company has no idea wtf they are doing and do not even know what good customer service is! God knows where they employ their staff... they clarery do not offer them any type of training! AVOID THIS COMPANY AT ALL COSTS! TAKE YOUR MONEY THEN THEY DO NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH THEIR OWN MISTAKES!

Date of experience: April 22, 2018