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2 reviews
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I don't get all the negativity... we love it!
June 29, 2017

As new empty nesters, we decided to try Blue Apron, with one of those free week gifts from a relative. We have been using it now for about 4 months, with three meals a week for two people... so we've had about 50 meals so far. I am simply baffled by all the bad reviews. NOT ONCE have we had an issue with delivery. NOT ONCE has something been leaking or open inside or unfresh. The items are well-packaged with cold stuff on the bottom near the "ice" packet and a cardboard separator for veggies and other items on top. You get a little paper bag with each recipe's "knick knacks" labeled and ready to use: each recipe has it's own spice packet and other ingredients like vinegar. People who say their items weren't sorted or labeled... you can't possibly be serious. It is very well done. Re the amount of food, it is definitely plenty for two nice sized, if not large-ish, meals. We often have some leftover - enough for one person for lunch the next day. The recipes have been great. They are extremely well seasoned with unique flavors. We have had maybe 3 meals where we thought, "That was just okay; I don't think I'd make it again." Most resulted in "Keep that recipe card; I want to make that again." Not one has been truly bad tasting. Now, this might depend on your choices: when you sign up, you can opt out of certain ingredients or mark for allergies and such. We only selected no seafood and no walnuts. We get a nice variety of recipes many with ethnic flavors! I am trying so many different types of food as a result of joining... to me, that is a good thing. Not to say the ingredients are unusual - not at all. It's more like the seasoning profiles are unique, such as Morrocan-spiced beef, Cajun chicken thighs, or Taiwanese chicken tenders, and the seasonings reflect those ethnic flavor profiles. Almost all recipes have a nice sauce as a condiment too. Now, I know my mother and her husband signed up and opted out of all kinds of ingredients and they are not very happy with their recipes (in my mind I think, well you didn't leave them with much...). But I also know them to have very plain tastes and they are not particularly adventurous. So if you like bland food and are afraid to try new flavors, maybe it isn't for you. Or maybe everyone is just grouchy.

Date of experience: June 28, 2017