4 reviews for BILL are not recommended
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1 review
3 helpful votes

Aggressive Sales and Bad Customer Service
February 13, 2023

Very bad experience. I had high hopes for this site. We're an accounting firm that was looking at options for our firm's own billing. I found this since I saw a client was using it and it was endorsed by AICPA. I saw they had a free trial so I thought I'd give it a try and see if it would be a good fit for us. I set up an initial account and started exploring it. I got a call from a sales rep to answer any questions I had. They found out we were an accounting firm, but I told them we were only interested in their service for our own books. They pressured me into getting a console account and a client account but assured me that we would only get charged for one after the trial. They also canceled a second account I accidentally created.

We ended up not using the account but liked the service so I canceled both the client and console account. I got a call from the sales rep pressuring me to stay but I told them we didn't need it right now but would probably return later. A couple months go by and I start receiving e-mails saying I've been charged for an account that I canceled. After getting blown up with sales calls from Bill.com, I complained to the representative about the issue I was having. I was assured that he was relaying this up to his superiors.

A few days later, I got an e-mail saying that I was mistaken and that I did not cancel the account and to go in and cancel. I responded saying that I did cancel the account and walked the customer service through the process I had. I was then sent back another message basically saying I was wrong and that I didn't cancel the account and gave me step-by-step instructions on how to cancel the account (which I had already done months before). I sent a message back saying that I now canceled the account again but did not receive a confirmation (so as a company, you should take that to mean that something is going on/wrong with the system) and I asked for a refund. I then got another response saying they would refund me. However, included in the response was another message saying that I was mistaken and I was wrong (Customer Service 101: you never tell a customer that).

This was handled so unprofessionally. I recommend all CPAs stay far away from this company. I am sorry that I signed up with them in the first place. The only positive thing I have to say is they did grant a refund, but that's all. I was talked down to in messages and repeatedly told that I was wrong and that I was the one who did something wrong, not them. This is just not the way to do business.

There was no phone number to get to talk to anyone and I felt trapped in their service. I will not be recommending this site to any of my clients and will not be returning.

Tip for consumers:

Keep detailed records with every transaction and interaction since their customer service does not believe you as the customer to tell the truth.

Products used:


Date of experience: February 13, 2023
1 review
2 helpful votes

June 30, 2022

They took $90 out of my account WITHOUT AUTHORIZATION! Corrupt thieving company. Do NOT use them!

Date of experience: June 30, 2022
1 review
2 helpful votes

They market a broken service and refuse to fix it unless you pay
March 8, 2022

I have been trying to setup a payables account for two weeks. Someone sold this service to one of my clients and now I have to use this pathetic bog of thievery as well. Works well enough if you are dealing with another account that is paying through the eyes for basic functionality, as their account will not any hidden 'restrictions' and can facilitate payments to and from 'free' and 'basic' accounts.
Foolishly I invited other clients to use the service, and lo' and behold nothing functions anymore. When wading through the morass of customer service hoop jumps, I was told that my account functionality is reduced because my account is a free account.
Fair enough, but why did I have to go to customer service to discover that? All the errors that appeared all said the same thing, that was an issue with the CLIENT's bank account set-up. There was never any indication that because I was using a free account set-up from an invite, that I would not be able to perform BASIC FUNCTIONS LIKE PAYABLE/RECIEVABLE without buying the ridiculous subscription.
So, I folded and upgraded the account. Did it fix the problem? Nope, all it did was make me have to verify my bank information AGAIN. I have resorted to sending paper checks to people as this service is not a service at all, it is simply a scam. They happily market you a broken service, refuse to fix it until you upgrade, and when you do pay, they just grift more information out of you. NOT TO MENTION THE HOLDING OF FUNDS. ACH payments DO NOT TAKE A WEEK TO GO THROUGH. And they have the gall to force connections to other third party services? If anyone actually read the TOS they state explicitly that your information is shared like an Uber.

TL; DR This 'service' steals from you under the guise of 'customer service', collects interest on YOUR MONEY by holding it for far longer than they should, VOIDS payments randomly leaving you as a bagholder, their customer service will not fix anything for you, they will just ask you to purchase a subscription and provide more details about your money, and finally, don't be surprised when your customer service rep is some guy in Singapore who types in broken english and makes things up about your clients and your company.

Tip for consumers:

Don't bother, there are cheaper, faster, and less frustrating options available to you

Products used:

Using the 'Team' upgrade plan, 49.99 a month x3 users

Date of experience: March 8, 2022
1 review
3 helpful votes

Started with promise, ended with a Kafkaesque interaction with a chatbot
June 21, 2019

I originally got a recommendation to Bill.Com from a member of the Facebook associated with the community that I organize, and opened up the account to take payments from members either making donations, or purchasing items for a relief fund for rideshare drivers in the area. About a day later, I got a request from a "Stacey J" for several documents to continue using the account.

I'm not sure what triggered the request, as the person who recommended it doesn't require having ever been asked for them, but they were mostly pretty standard: photo ID, passport, and most recent bank statement, along with an EIN certificate and a copy of our "business license".

I took a look at my profile, and realized that my significant other, who set up the account, used the wrong information to start (she assumed I'd using one of my older LLCs, and not simply my own name and social as a sole proprietor). I made the corrections to the profile, updated the information to just reflect a sole proprietorship using my own social, and reached back out to Stacey J with both clarification, and the remaining documents she requested. They included a copy of the bank statement with my name on it, my photo ID and passport, and an explanation that Colorado doesn't have a generic "business license", but occupational ones, and that freelancers and sole proprietors don't actually need or get these. For reference, you actually just Google it:


This quip from UpCounsel at the top of the search pretty much sums it up: "Colorado Business: Business Licenses
The state of Colorado does not have a generic or general license nor does it have a state business license. Instead, licenses are occupation specific. One can apply for a license for different state agencies depending on the type of business, profession, or activity."

The photo IDs were scans I already had, and a PDF of the bank statement was easy enough; and then explained that the profile info had been updated, apologized for the mistake and update, and that there was no such "business license" for sole proprietors here in the state of Colorado operating under their own names and social. I also reminded her that I *am* using my own social (which is acceptable by the IRS as a sole proprietor... an EIN is not a requirement for doing business), and awaited her reply.

She responds by asking for "original copies" of my IDs, and, as if she hadn't read a word from the email before, a re-request of my "business license" and EIN certificate; as well as asking for a description of what we'd be using the account for.

I take photos of the IDs, and upload them, which was not a big deal, and *reiterate* what I said before. I asked her, since "business license" is a fairly generic term, and things like this do differ from state to state, if a DBA filing would work. I said if she'd confirm that, I'd take care of that right that minute, and send it over to her. It could also have meant a filing with the department of revenue, which wouldn't have been necessary, but I'd look into if she'd confirm and clarify for me. It could also have meant an occupational license for the City of Denver, which also isn't exactly necessary for operating out of your home office, but again: I'd set it up if I needed to. IF I understood that to be what we needed to move forward. And *one again* reiterated that we would NOT be using an EIN for this business, but my social, so there'd be NO EIN certificate for that. And my social had already been confirmed and verified on signup.

A day passes without response, and then after I reach out to remind her that I was standing by for clarification, the ticket and account are closed, with a comment from her that they don't provide services for "consumers". It was almost as if she wasn't really reading what I was writing her. And it should be noted that the person who recommended this service to me was an INDIVIDUAL using her SSN and billing clients as a freelancer. Very much the same setup.

I respond to that email, reminding her that I'd been seeking clarification, and that I was not a "consumer", but simple a sole proprietor, and asked yet AGAIN for clarification for the documents she needed as they related to my state and situation. Her answer was the following:

Dear Julian,

Our services are designed specifically for business to business payments. Unfortunately, we are unable to approve your account for consumer use. Your account can be reactivated once all of the required documents are received.

As a result, your account has been deactivated and canceled. You will not be charged for any subscription fees for the current period.
Stacey J.

Not a SINGLE word in response to the detail that I gave her, and not a SINGLE attempt to clarify the documents she needed in lieu of the laws in Colorado. In fact, there wasn't a response to literally ANYTHING I said. She repeated herself once, and then faded, and now I'm speaking with a chatbot from a Kafka novel. Which documents? Are they the ones I suggested, or NOT? I even asked why I was considered a "consumer", and if it was policy that they don't handle sole proprietors operating without an EIN. Maybe they didn't; I don't know. But I don't know, only because every attempt I made to clarify that (heck; I guess I'd set up an LLC and a new EIN if I knew what the situation was, which I very much know how to do, and have done with other ventures), elicits this same exact response. It's almost as if she's just not bright enough to recognize a problem, and solve it; or maybe in her defense, she's under a lot of pressure to "scan" interactions like this without actually interacting with it; just having to get a large amount of support requests off of her plate.

But yeah; this is a horrible way to manage this end of a company. And current emails detailing the clarification I need are. Surprise: summarily unanswered.

Date of experience: June 21, 2019
4 reviews for BILL are not recommended