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1 review
11 helpful votes

June 19, 2019

Mainly for TBLeague / Phicen figures. I must of purchased quite a few of these figures from other online hobby stores or even on eBay that is in stock and BBTS still has them on Pre-order. Seems like BBTS is the last to receive their TBLeague figures, and other type of items going by other reviews. I find that BBTS does not have these figures in stock, even after over a MONTH when many on-line and ebay sellers have them in stock and ready to ship out.

Recent case: TBLeague Queen of Vampires Narama Huntress of Men 1/6 Scale Figure is still in pre-order status on BBTS as of June 19,2019. Another on-line hobby store in California had this figure in STOCK and ready to ship May 10,2019. Plus a few US sellers on eBay had this figure in stock as well. I ordered one and it was in my hands on May 15,2019.

I did order a few already in stock figures from BBTS and chose their $4 flat rate shipping. Takes about 1.5 weeks to arrive from the order date. From my experience, usually takes 3 or 4 business days from the day you order before they even ship out. I know it's the cheap flat rate. In my cases, the SLOW as molasses FEDEX Smartpost shipping was the method used.

To sum it up, I would AVOID the PRE-ORDERS from this place. Did I already say AVOID?! Perhaps, SKIP or NOT ORDER preorders, unless you want to be the last person on earth to receive the item, and everyone and their dog has it a month or more before you. Smh

Date of experience: June 19, 2019