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New Jersey
1 review
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Beth Abraham Center is a really bad Skilled Nursing Facility in New York City, New York.
August 6, 2018

My name is Howie Arthur "Whitey" Kalish. I am currently a Consumer of Long Term Care Services and Supports in the State of New York and have been since June 2007. I am currently residing in a Long Term Care Facility with one of the worst reputations in the GNYC metropolitan region, Beth Abraham Health Services in the Bronx, New York. It's only too bad I can't render a lower than one star out of five rating for Beth Abraham Health Services SNF, now part of CenterLight Health System, a whole new brother from another mother scam over here.

This is a revision of my earlier review of the Beth Abraham Center, since March 2017 under new ownership under Centers Health Care. As I noted in my earlier review, this facility had one of the worst reputations in the GNYC metropolitan area. Since the sale transaction transfer of ownership from nonprofit CenterLight Health Systems to for profit Centers Health Care, albeit while there have been some marginal incremental improvements in some areas, I would say, taken as a whole, almost the entire consumer experience has been, to turn a phrase, "nothing to write home to the folks about."

For the most part, with some notable rare occasions, the quality of the nursing care is inconsistent, sometimes acceptable, sometimes mediocre, occasionally leading to incidences of abuse, neglect, rehospitalizations, and even potentially avoidable harm leading to death. In the seventy two months I have been unfortunate to be a resident here, I have experienced an average of at least one, maybe even a few, medication dosing errors for everyone of those seventy two months. Some, but not all, of both the medical speciality practitioners and the front-line caregiver paraprofessionals, provide professional quality care, but only if you're fortunate enough if you yourself and/or your family and friends make sure that your best interests are looked out for.

For the most part, with some notable rare exceptions, disrespect, incompetence, and unprofessionalism are de rigueur soup de jour here. Inferior quality Building Engineering and Maintenance, inferior quality Dietary and Food Services, inferior quality Environmental Services (housekeeping), inferior quality Resident Funds Accounting and Healthcare Benefits Eligibility Advice Services, inferior quality Social Services and Comprehensive Care Planning programming, inferior quality Therapeutic Recreation Activities programming; there is an almost total capricious, cavalier contempt and disregard here for the basic concepts of "resident autonomy, dignity, respect and right to basic privacy"; there was a Domestic Violence incident occurrence here on June 5th, 2018; there are intramural incidents of abuse, neglect, theft and violence; residents misappropriating other residents' property, staff misappropriating residents' property and even instances of residents misappropriating staff property.

I've had a former roommate in a shared suite call caregiving staff n____r b_____s, that same former roommate threaten to kill a housekeeper with a gun, that same former roommate defecated and soiled the shared bathroom late last year 2017; that same former roommate goes into the rooms of female residents at all hours of the day and night with impunity; a more recent roommate on the weekend of July 22nd 2018 threatened to kill me, the caregiving staff at that moment and himself. If I was required to furnish concrete examples of all of this, which I easily could, I would need a book the size and thickness of a large print telephone directory.

I stand, without apology or reservation, by the commentary and observations I have made here. The opinions expressed here are my own; I am not an employee of CenterLight Health Systems, Centers Health Care, or this SNF.


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Thank you most kindly.

Howie Arthur "Whitey" Kalish

Date of experience: August 5, 2018