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1 review
0 helpful votes

Avoid at all cost
May 18, 2024

I would have given this compny a zero star if I could. Before I ordered my bed on May 3 I called their customer service to confirm when is their earliest delivery as I can't wait too long as I am pregnant. Their CS told me that there will be an availability on May 7 which is perfect as that won't be a long wait. So I proceeded with the order thinking I will be able to sort out the delivery date quicky. I asked my husband to book a day off as no one will be available to receive our bed if he is not around. Here comes May 7, still no email confirming about my order. Meaning, I still can't book my delivery date with them. I called them to asked what is happening. They say they will chase my order and will call me back that day too. No call or anything that day. So I called them again the next day. They say they will chase it again and will call before 11 am. Waited until 13:00 and still no call back from them. At this point I am beginning to get so frustrated as my husband already booked his off. I brushed it off this time as there is nothing I can do about it. I called them again after waiting for their call they say the earliest they can deliver my bed will be on May 15. Not happy obviously as I made sure I will have the bed in less than a week.I checked with them before I proceed with the order. But again I can't do anything about it but wait. So I asked my husband to book another day off on the 15. Here comes May 15 we got the bed frame but no bolts nuts etc. for us to be able to assemble it. I was furious this point as I was feeling so much pain on my back. I literally begged this people to send the fixtures next day delivery/priority as I cannot sleep where I am sleeping any longer. Guess what they can do? Sent it through post telling me it will be with me 24 to 48 hours. I wasn't happy I was literally crying I just can't stand it anymore. Sending it through post 24-48 hrs that is the best they can do. OK! If that's all you can do. I just agreed as I can't do anything about this again. This was on Wednesday, so I was expecting it to come Friday. Today is May 18,60 hrs after they said it will be with me 24-48 hrs. This is how they treat their customers. All they can tell you is sorry, never ending sorry. Did not even try to send the post next day delivery! I called them again as I was expecting it yesterday. They told me the post office is close and will receive it on Monday. This people thinks their customers are dumb. Royal mail still delivers their parcel even if it is weekend. So, don't tell me they are close during weekend and wont be receiving it on weekend. You won't be having this problem if you atleast delivered it on next day delivery. You have given me so much stress. Please be better next time as you don't know what people are going through. Atleast try your best. I won't be begging you if I am not pregnant and not having a severe back ache. But you just ignored it with your never ending apologies.

AVOID THIS COMPANY and just buy a little bit more expensive beds than saving money but will give you a lot of stress for weeks.

Date of experience: May 18, 2024