Bunch of 'posturing' wanna-be's, egomaniacs or worse... a kazillion 'brain dead' people all doing the exact same thing... sometimes for YEARS... Oh! THINK you found a talented person? Make contact- only to be ignored... Lol... You won't know if they LIKE, HATE are INDIFFERENT to- or just blown away. As they simply won't RESPOND once they ask you to 'share a few files'. Then there's the utter fools who apparently ( in this digital age) can't bother to even have an acapella file singing ANYTHING... like they're there JUST TO BE NOTICED? Bandmix needs to have a MINIMUM requirement of at least ONE audio file ( we won't even get into video for these particular no file 'fools' where they maybe sing 'F**K ME!' even out of key. JUST TWO WORDS. Be prepared for someone to blatantly ignore all the ( great) things you and your fellow musicians are doing... and say, 'Send me some clips to see if we're a 'good match'... Your KIDDING me right? A GOOD MATCH? Bandmix has a decent enough format though to LIMIT the ( already limited genre's) to 'just four' is freeking redundant. There are hundreds and HUNDREDS of genres and ( sub) genres but Bandmix expects you to say 'just rock' when you can't find 'progressive classic' or progressive pop' rock etc... That's the rub. In my opinion? Bandmix is NOT geared to ultra-pro's who write, record and/or perform anything original... it's setup for 'Joe' or 'Kelly' who are stuck in the same old, same old 'blues' or what have you. I stupidly TRY Bandmix in my home state... just in case there's anyone really SERIOUS but always resign the account after one or two days of asininity.
Enough said... I won't make the mistake again..