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UAV, Military, Police, Hummingbird Sized Surveillance...
March 7, 2011

UAV, Military, Police, Hummingbird Sized Surveillance Drone

Most people are aware that large unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are being used for surveillance and missile launches by Western military and intelligence agencies in Afghanistan and other world hot spots. Not so many realise that small hand launched model plane sized UAVs are also being used, to enable troops 'to see over the hill'. A lot of these are coming out of AeroViroment, a USA (Monrovia) based company.( http://www.avinc.com)

AeroViroment have now revealed a really small UAV drone that mimics the size and flight of a hummingbird. Developed at a tiny cost (in military terms) of around $4 million it shows the future of urban and enclosed space surveillance.

Impressive and slightly scary at the same time. Science fiction come to life. Soon to be at a window near you?

http://money.cnn.com/video/technology/2011/02/08/bst_aerovironment_drones.fortune/ (Small hand launched UAVs)

(Tiny hummingbird sized UAV)

Date of experience: March 7, 2011