Hi guys,
I joined this site because of the "positive" reviews,
And I just want to tell you that, this site is designed to rip you off and you will never meet a real person through this site with the exception of you go through the may arranging a meet up after you spend thousands of dollars before you reach that point. And if everything is arranged it will cost you $4075 in addition to other fees and hidden costs.
That is how those scam "they are all from third world countries " made millions, it is kind of legal scam, no one is able to stop them, because members are willing to pay for their fraudulent service, here is how it is done;
Women who join asiandate.com, have to pay huge amount of money for various requirements:
1 - photography; As you will notice all the photos are done by professional photographers and they are also edited as well, in order to make them look glamorous, and there early is a high cost for that.
2- Authentication: various types of authentication is required to prove identity, for example, an address verification, mobile number verification, and other types, and it is done on various Stages and there is a cost associated with that, and rich ladies are willing to pay for all that because they like to meet westerners.
3- Profile translation cost, it depends on how long they write about themselves, which is another huge expense although it is pathetic translation, again it is done by people with little knowledge and poor command of the English language, and even those ladies whose English is good enough and in some cases better than the translator, they are not allowed to post what they want because of two reasone, One, they want to charge them translation fee, and, Second they do not want them to include any information for direct contact.
4 - They send one "free" letter to the guy whom they want to communicate wit, but they have to pay for the translation. And also they have to pay for translation of the incoming mail and so on.
For a man: you join the site for "free" and you start receiving emails foment nice looking Asian ladies and there is a green box telling you to read it free, and sure you will read it free, but you will have to pay 20 credits ($16) to send a letter and read her response, the girl also pays $16 + translation fees.
You have no other way of communication but trough the site, they read all the mail and they delete any direct contact from content before sending and there is no other way around it. This is a multi- million dcam operation it can only be stopped by exposing them and spreading the awareness. Please go visit their site and discover the truth by yourself and join me by writing your own review, it would be great if you can help me posting this review on Google, so that it becomes more available for people who were mislead to believe the "455 positive reviews ", those fake reviews mostly written by recruiters.
N. Shandon