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1 review
8 helpful votes

Scammers-be aware of their tactics
March 3, 2022

Armstrong Steel is a terrible company. The first thing they did is the way they got me online. They did a Black Friday sale. So, it tells you you're almost gonna get $4,000 off. Based on that price, it comes out really cheaper than everybody else. When you do it, you don't really get the details of everything because they said, "Oh, project manager will give you the details of everything." When you sign up for it, on the bottom, it tells you, you have 30 days to figure out all the details to keep the Black Friday's pricing. So, I got that. Two weeks went by, there still was nothing. I did it on Black Friday, which was around Thanksgiving.

I've called a couple times and said, "Project manager hasn't called me. I already lost two weeks." They said, "No, no. He'll be there." I lost about two weeks out of the 30 days. Then once I started dealing with the project manager, I realized that an extra door was an added cost, the side door was an added cost, and everything was nickel-and-diming. It ended up being a lot more. I was still trying to find the details of everything, and within that four weeks, my project manager was gone one weekend because her grandkid was born. Then another time, she had a stroke. Within those 30 days, I was asking questions. Right after they sent me something, I lost a day because they had to come back the next day.

The last of my final 30-day deadline was on a Sunday. I had the email saying on Friday, "Hey, make sure that you get the correct detail. The space between the doors must be five feet. So, please have that on the final paperwork so I could sign off on it." It says if you sign off and you don't have the correct details of it, you're stuck with that. So, that was me on a Friday. Magically, Sunday came and went, and on Monday morning I went, "Oh, okay, I'll do it." They sent it to me on Tuesday. A month and a half later was when I found out, "Oh no, no. You passed your 30 days. So, this is the normal price." So, I got stiffed for another four grand there.

COVID came into play, but we passed the deadline by another five weeks. When the parts got delivered, they give you five days to tell them if there's anything missing. The way they pack this stuff is so tight. You have to take everything because everything's sandwiched on top of each other. And if you take it out, you expose everything to the elements if there's been a break. Come to find out when I finally finished everything up, four pieces are missing. I called them up and they said, "Oh, well, you pass the five days. So, now we gotta charge you." So, for four pieces of metal that are probably a double size of a toaster oven, they charged me $75 shipping from Colorado to Arizona because I didn't let them know five days when I originally got the piece.

I was pissed off. I went on Reddit, and everybody has the same thing. They give you five days, and then they charge you outright. So, everything that happened to me was exactly everything was for everybody based on the reviews. I've talked to their manager, *. I got screwed out of $200 for shipping that I had to pay in parts that they didn't put in there. I got screwed $4,000 because their project manager sat on it for a few weeks, and then she couldn't get me the information early enough, and the whole thing, going back and forth with her about pricing.

I had to order a lot of parts outside the company because their pricing was outrageous. The problem with the company is on that initial, their salesperson said, "Oh, yeah. You're gonna get 40x60 building. Yeah, this is it, $22,000." I asked, "Well what about the door?" "No, no. You'll talk about that with the project manager." There was no mention that those things are gonna cost extra. They make it sound like, "This is the price. You just gotta tell the project manager where the door is gonna be."

Too bad they don't respond to this review.

*Personal information redacted by admin

Date of experience: March 3, 2022
2 reviews
0 helpful votes

Great help and contact
November 3, 2021

We have been so thankful for Joshua A. He's been the BEST HELP EVER! We call him for anything. TU!

Products used:

Steel building

Date of experience: November 2, 2021
2 reviews
41 helpful votes

Armstrong's Hidden Costs (updated 29 July 2015)
June 15, 2015



Let me tell you the truth about armstrong steel. Most every one of the reps you talk to works for a commission. In that sense go into this deal just like you would if buying a car from the dealership. They will tell you non specific answers to quell questions only to continue a sale. "hurry up you only have until Friday before prices change", "your building price is the price I quoted you can add extras later" Your deposit needs to be this ($1300) amount when it really needs to be a quarter of that ($200) will do. Lets get to specifics

32'x40' building going up in Carthage NC, no doors no windows just the farming.


End cost of building color matched to code with trimmed openings (specifically not stated as an extra charge)


Delivery cost were 891.00 + 250.00 fuel surcharge (not stated on original signing)

When asked about the average erection of a building this size I was told $3500 by CARL
(carl has no authority in giving prices but I didn't know that at the time)

Total price of the erection will be $8,500 in addition to site leveling and concrete another 8k

-Important in order to meet code these buildings cannot be put on pillions of blue stone to save money.

All said and done this was the biggest mistake we have ever invested in. Period

Total cast for this project will be $38,500.

Lesson Learned = Be careful what you get into these people are salesman taking advantage of the hard working American. Total projects costs are never advertised because most customers would not commit. In addition what ever your building costs you off the line figure on doubling it by the time it is erected on your site.



Quick summary from my last review,

I am currently deployed the building is still not erected on site because Armstrong did not send Eve trim, attaching strips and screws to complete the building. So currently you can drive past my house for the last 25 days and see a work site, steel building and no roof. Great job once again Armstrong. This company has been contacted by my wife a dozen times and our contractor 15x. They continue to push us off saying the parts are being shipped and will be delivered. On the delivery date nothing is in the mail. Our next course of action is to get with base legal with the Air Force and start leagal action against these clowns. DO NOT BUY FROM THIS COMPANY!

-Dan Flechsenhaar

Date of experience: June 12, 2015
1 review
12 helpful votes

Great customer service and a great product
July 22, 2014

Great customer service and a great product

Date of experience: July 22, 2014