I ordered iPhone 16 Pro Max on 2nd Oct 24 and waited for 22 days before it was supposed to be delivered today, 24th October 24. I took a trade-in deal which offered me INR 20,400 discount. The old phone was supposed to be checked by BlueDart delivery guy. I was quite apprehensive as to how a delivery guy will check the condition of the trade-in mobile. My doubt was cleared when he took more than an hour to run the diagnostic app called Verify on my mobile and failed every time because he didn't know how to use it. Since he was wasting my time I offered him to pay the balance of INR 20,400 in cash and in return asked him to state in 2 line in a plain paper with his sign that he received the amount so as to make sure I am not in trouble in future. This guy plainly refused to write it. I had already paid INR 1,24,500 almost 3 weeks ago to Apple and I was left to fend myself for the solution!.
I called the Apple support and asked them to cancel the order and issue a full refund. I later got an email reply from Apple stating that they are cancelling the order because trade-in phone was detected to have damage – very funny! I had myself called their support to cancel the order and issue the refund to reduce my trouble in the first place. More intriguing was when I checked the status of waybill on BlueDart website and it says "Consignee Refused To Accept"!.
Both Apple & BlueDart tried to put blame on me when I paid more that 85% of the product value in advance, waited for 3 weeks, tried training BlueDart delivery guy on how the Verify app works, how to use it, tried the Apple support to end my misery but at the end the blame was all on me.
Yes, it was my mistake in the first place to order an overrated iPhone and take all this trouble. I reached out to Apple support again asking them for an apology but got a plain email that they will investigate further and keep my advance payment for another 5-6 days before they could process the refund.
Today after exactly after 14 days they said the refund will be processed I called up the Apple Support and got a blunt reply that the product is stuck somewhere in their return supply chain and the refund will be processed only after they receive the product at their Mumbai warehouse. How am I able to now control how BlueDart work and what is the deal between BlueDart & Apple. I think Apple has lost it completely and I think they are going to either keep it like a pending case or give me some frivolous reason at the end to scam me of INR 1,24,500.
So, guys better be aware of this overrated phone, their trade-in deal and the resultant mental pain and thus avoid iPhone.