6 reviews for Yahoo Answers are not recommended
These reviews are not recommended because our content quality algorithms have determined them to be less useful for users researching this business. Our content quality algorithm makes decisions based on a number of proprietary evaluation factors, and is constantly updating and improving over time. Even though these reviews are not displayed by default, they still factor into the overall number of reviews and the average rating for the business.
Gabby P.
23 reviews
56 helpful votes

Good concept, horrible execution of concept
August 13, 2016

This is a site where you can post a question and anyone with a Yahoo! Answers account can answer it. There are supposedly rules and guidelines set up, but the rules seem to only be applied to some questions and answers, but not others. There is no consistency whatsoever in how the rules are enforced.

This site seems to be THE place of trolls and attention seekers. Trolls are those who just want to push people's buttons. They will post questions that outright insult people, invoke violence, or invoke hate. This is supposed to be against the rules. The attentions seekers will "ask" a question only to argue with the answers that don't agree with them, do not state what they want to hear, or do not validate them in some way. This creates a ridiculous back and forth environment on the part of the attention seeking "asker." It's supposed to be: ask a question, get an answer, not a chat room. There is a no chatting rule, but maybe Yahoo! didn't notice that that was one of their rules when they put in a comment feature where any user can write a comment below each answer.

You used to be able to block the trolls and attention seekers so that you don't have to deal with their "questions" or supposed answers. But then, Yahoo! Answers added a feature where you can post as anonymous. Anonymous users can't and aren't blocked. So a troll or attention seeker can work around being blocked by posting as anonymous. Here's a sarcastic "good job Yahoo."

There are times when you click on a question that does follow the rules and seems pretty harmless and you get a "this question has been deleted or is under review" message. Sometimes the person will re-post and mention that their question got deleted so they are posting it again. When this happens it means their question was reported. Some users blatantly insult members in their answers and others respond in the comment section saying that they have reported the answer, but the answer remains. So it seems like every day is opposite day on Yahoo! Answers when it comes to the rules.

Both trolls and attention seekers are free and clear to clutter up Yahoo! Answers with their "questions" while legitimate questions and answers are removed for violating the "rules." A few months ago there used to be a feedback site, but I don't know if it's still there. If it is and you go on the feedback site you can see where people post about this and discuss this. But Yahoo! never did anything. What few changes they made seemed to benefit the trolls, attention seekers and spammers and make things worse for legitimate users.

Date of experience: August 13, 2016
6 reviews for Yahoo Answers are not recommended