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Holding our heritages hostage
February 26, 2025

After signing up with ancestry.com for their two week free trial, I was anxious to find some things about my family that I didn't have, or didn't know. Being the matron of my family now, I have no one older than me to ask any questions, or hear their stories, or see their pictures that I've never seen. So it goes without saying, that when I began to see pictures of people that I'd never seen before, and documents dating back 150 plus years of my family, etc, naturally I couldn't seem to get enough. Sadly, I let the 14th Day of the two week free trial slip up on me, and failed to cancel my subscription first thing the morning of that day. I had to stop what I was doing on my phone to attend to the 12, yes I said TWELVE, BACK to BACK attempts to debit my account, as I was receiving messages from my bank. Furthermore, the bank requested that I order a new card, which I just recently was forced to do only two months prior, due to similar circumstances. Further adding to the stress of the day, this has now cost me 7 days of making any purchases, unless I do so with Google pay, of which I'm quite unfamiliar with as of yet. My experience on both ancestry.com, and newspapers.com, their sister company, have been the most stressful, and for a Time (2 weeks to be exact), blissfully informative experiences online that I've ever had. Not only did they completely bombard, and further ruin my morning, but all of the work that I have been doing for 2 weeks, along with all my families pictures, and very precious details, are forever being held hostage by ancestry.com. And, unbeknownst to me, existed a newspapers.com, that was suddenly attempting to charge my account, as well, before all of this. Ironically, they were / are also a part of ancestry.com, although I should have seen the similarities. Most importantly, I would like to know exactly how one website is able to monopolize everyone's heritage, while charging outrageous prices, in turn, for anyone to obtain, regain, or retain their families most PRIVATE AND PERSONAL information?! Thankfully, I'm able to be proactive, and in preparation for this day, I took screenshots of every picture and if each document that I felt was important to myself, and my family, the precious few family members I've got left. And now, if my two daughters, one brother, or grandson, want to see any of our family information in the future, other than what I was able to salvage in those two weeks and have saved on my phone, they're going to be forced to pay dearly, and monthly at that, or annually however. This is the most outrageous scam / hoax, the biggest infringement on a family's copyright, and for me the biggest Injustice that has ever been done to me to date. I would like to know how they think they have any right to be the only ones in the entire world that are able to access all information about my family, and countless others, when none of us will ever even know any one of their names responsible for stealing, and virtually holding hostage, that of all of our family's heritages?!

Date of experience: February 26, 2025