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1 review
6 helpful votes

Don't use them
June 24, 2019

Great sales team, but when they get your money its over. I am a General contractor and Electrical contractor it TN., I purchased an outdoor elevator for a customer and all seemed to be going fine I told them it was a rush order to make a deadline, the response was if you pay in full when you order we will make it happen and pay for install. I wanted to install myself and they told me that that would not work that if I installed the elevator it would not be warranted, later they told me this was not true. I paid the full amount of the elevator, plus the 4700. 00 install fee and all was set. I received a delivery date and was told it would be installed within a week of delivery, great if it would have happened that way.
The elevator shows up 2 weeks after promised date after many many calls to the salesman, and this is where it really gets good. I was told the install manager would be it touch to get it installed but never heard from him until I got the salesman to give me a contact number, so after a week goes by and I get in touch with him he gives me an install date of 2 weeks later, I am on a deadline. The day before the install date I call to make sure we are still on for the install and he does not know who I am. I call my salesman again and get a new install date and talk to the install manager again, now it gets even better. He tells me that I will have to supply him with labor and tools to get the job completed and that he will cover the cost, I'm on a deadline so lets get it completed.
Install manager shows up we get the elevator installed to make a long story short and I ask who to give a invoice to for time labor and tools and he told me to give it to the homeowners, I do have all of this documented. So after paying 4700. 00 for install Ameriglide sends one man out to oversee install and I'm screwed, but I see the install manager is not going to do what he said so I call my salesman again. The salesman told me he would put me in touch with the President of the company [ Jim]. And I get a text from Jim saying he would send me 500.00 to compensate me what a joke then he said he would up it to 1000. 00, witch was 1/2 of my invoice and I told him I would not agree to that and I would give him a bad review. So after 3 weeks of not hearing from Jim I texted him back for a status update and he told me that he would still give me 1000. 00 but if he did I would have to sign a agreement not to leave a bad review. Now remember has a invoice from me that he is refusing to pay and again this is all documented. I told him I would not sign and my invoice stands, and his response was to be carful what I posted as a review because he would have his attorneys look into it.
So bottom line I got threaded with attorneys, paid 4700. 00 for install that I did 80% of and did not get compensated for and it was not delivered or install on the promised date, and I still have an outstanding invoice with they, and I don't think it will be paid unless I take action against them

Date of experience: June 24, 2019