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1 review
7 helpful votes

If I could rate in the negative numbers, I would
April 3, 2019

First I place an order on 3/14/19 for my dog's heart worm medicine. Then I get an email saying my vet didn't respond and to call them, so I do. They tell me they faxed the Rx already but they would do it again to make sure they received it. I hang up with the vet and call Allivet to tell them. The woman I spoke to said that now there were 2 orders being filled, so I had her cancel the second one since she assured me that the first one was already shipped. I get an email confirming shipment and giving me a tracking number that I try to access but can't. I give it about a week and call them. The gentleman I spoke with tried to track it and couldn't find it either even though my account was showing that the order was completed. So, he says he will resend the order overnight AND give me a $10 coupon on my account to use the next time. Four days go by and still no order, but I get another email saying that per our conversation, here are the directions to send the prescription! So, I call again, the rep says to ignore that and that they were emailing the pharmacist to let him know the situation and to just send it out. Two hours later I get a call from the pharmacist asking me for the prescription! I then flip out on him, explain the whole story again, and he reassured me that the order will be sent and I'll get it the next day. The next day I get an email saying my shipment has been put on hold while they wait for the prescription, but I ignore it because of being assured by the pharmacist that the order was being filled. Same morning I get a call from the same guy that had first told me that he would next day the order and give me a coupon... they are now saying that my only orders were from the year before and the one that I just cancelled, even though I gave them ALL of the order numbers including the one from 3/14/19 that shows that it's completed. I tell him that if I don't have my order by the next day, that I will not do business with them any longer. He assured me that he is putting the order through and I'll have it the next day. A few hours later I get a call from their "customer escalation" department and I have to explain the WHOLE story again because she is insisting that I cancelled the order. Now, this is how she is going to resolve it for me: send me the two boxes with a discount of $3 on each and not charge me the $22 next day shipping! Making my order total $63 when my original order was only $58 with free standard shipping! Doesn't even offer the $10 coupon that's supposed to be on my account! Of course I flipped out on her and said goodbye after assuring her that I'll never do business with them again!

Date of experience: April 3, 2019