I just wanted to tell my story about how Alexa helped me access medical assistance from my daughter who lives 4 1/2 hours away... Her husband had purchased, set up, and linked my device to their's so I would be able to access there home.
I have been having mobility issues so I was attempting to bring my coffee cup (with some coffee in it) to my kitchen sink... unforturnately I had lost my footing and my knees gave out and I fell on the floor... I wasn't sure what to do... I didn't know what time it was and how long I would have had to lay there on the floor til my husband got home, and that was if he didn't have to work late. I called for help from downstairs not knowing if anyone was home... I was not able to get up because of my leg issues and I was not able to get up on my knees due to medical issues with them too.
I scooched and dragged myself into my living room and was going to see if I could get to my phone or yell for help again cause our porch door was opened and kids were walking home from school so if I yelled again I hoped someone would send me help... I scooched and pulled myself a little further and then I remembered about my Echo device with Alexa... I yelled: "Alexa, announce"... I waited for it to respond to say my announcement... at that time I yelled "Heather, I fell and I need help. I cant get up and get my phone"... so I waited to see if there was a response from my daughter... 4 minutes went by and there was no response, so I decided to give it a try again. I then activated Alexa again and said "Heather, I fell, I need help, and I need you to call dad"... OMG she responded at that time (she has it linked to her phone and she was in her grocery store and got a notification about the Alexa. She said "do you need me to contact 911?"... I said yes, I fell, I can't get up and my phone and then call dad"... about 2 minutes later (but it seemed like forever) she responded back: I got ahold of Saratoga County EMS and they are sending an ambulance and now I will try and get ahold of dad"... unfortunately as he was going to answer his phone it had died (he didn't hear the first call because he was around loud equipment)... he was able to get his phone to the charger and he got a call from Saratoga County EMS and let them know what was going on and the Chief of Police went to my husband and told him again and asked him if he wanted him to take my husband to the house... I am so thankful for the Echo Alexa and I was able to get help from my daughter (4 1/2 hours away) and it saved me from laying on the floor for I had no idea how long cause I wasn't able to see a clock... as a matter of fact is probably would have been around 2+ hours... Thank you, thank you, and thank you again.