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AirBnB discriminates
October 11, 2023

I booked this healing vacation for my mom and I, to Sedona, AZ. Since we both had heavy cancer treatments for years we needed a break. Instead of taking 7 different pills a day, I use medicinal marijuana and while it's legal in Arizona I let them know my situation and mention that I'll smoke outside. Just because throughout these years the stigma, and misinformation is obvious.

Turns out the location was far from downtown, but host Vanessa says the distance is only hard when "you're handicapped" basically and belittles my 73 y/o Mom. That 30 minutes walk up a steep hill was hard for me as well...but let's move on.

She promised my bed to be comfortable. But the sheets have stains, hard spots and popcorn. Ants all over the kitchen, broken glass and the new sheets (in the closet, sitting on top of a box, paintings and other personal clutter) do not smell fresh. At this point I'm so disappointed. I sit on the bed and see the whole feet part falls down, its broken. So laying on it, your feet fall down.

I text AirBnB and here is where it goes wrong:

Even though I'm paying the host $220/night, AirBnB says that even though I have no bed for a week...and the location is off...it's upto the Host to see what she wants to do.

I forward pictures to the Host and say I'm sorry to be a bother, but the bed is broken...the sheets are dirty...and the other sheets in the closet don't smell clean. Vanessa texts me I can leave now but pay for 4 nights plus cleanings fees, AirBnB fees etc. That hardly leaves me with anything left to find another place. I try regardless because we feel unwelcome.

She wanted us out since I said the bed was broken, and declined repair since that would leave me with another day of not enjoying the town and hiking. Anyway, we made sure we left everything perfect. Did the dishes, took trash out etc. Made a video how well it looked at check out.

The host left me feedback, stating we ruined the cabin, broke dishes, smoked inside and uses marijuana as a tool judge and belittle and goes off like Im a drug addict. I open a case with AirBnB to have the lies removed. They wont do it...not will they look at my video or pictures as proof.

I didn't even ask for a refund. I didn't report a lady coming by the 3rd day and a guy the 4th day. Unannounced. All I wanted was the lies taken down, but they won't do it!

Date of experience: October 11, 2023
133 reviews for Airbnb are not recommended