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4 reviews
9 helpful votes

Too many scams
June 9, 2022

I once dated a woman for 2 1/2 years from this site, and it was a successful relationship, so I think there are some authentic profiles, but way too many, especially recently, are scammers. Many are from halfway around the world. You might talk to a person for some time and then she wants money "for gas" to come meet you or agrees to meet you and doesn't show. Someone purportedly from Georgia, U.S. spoke like she might have been from Georgia, Asia. Expect many sugarbabies as well. As far as I know Agematch is the only company doing this type of site, but they disguise their name under names such as oldermenyoungerwomendating.com or oldermenyoungerwomandatingsites.com. Sadly, no longer a worthwhile investment.

Date of experience: June 9, 2022