1 review for Aerial Force UK is not recommended
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12 reviews
55 helpful votes

Stay away. Stay away. Stay away
December 3, 2020

Also operating as tvaerialcompany.co.uk
As featured on BBC Rouge Traders
I had this company come in to fix my reception because the picture was pixelated.

This is what happened:

1. I was told by the engineer that it was a 5G problem.
2. He put in an amplifier that costs £25 on Amazon and charged me £175. He said that it came with a 10 year guarantee!
3. I have since found out that a filter is needed if that is the case, not an amplifier. I Googled this while he was here and showed him a filter for £8.99 on Amazon and he told me it was rubbish and that he had removed 100's of them as they didn't work.
4. He did not bother to go on to the roof and even check the aerial.
5. He told me with his "diagnostic machine" that I was getting a 15% signal.
6. He didn't even bother going on to my roof to check out the aerial or the cabling.
7. He told me that the reason that the rest of the street was getting reception was because of their masts were higher and newer and cost in the region of £300. He told me that he could put in an aerial for £325 but what he was offering me was a cheaper option.
8. He removed the socket that the aerial is plugged into and told me that one gets a much better reception if the cable from the outside skips the socket and comes directly into the property. He then proceeded to connect the socket to the cable with insulation tape.
9. I asked him a number of times if what he was telling was correct and he told me that your company is a member of Trust Mark and that he was a professional and would not advise me incorrectly.
10. At the end of the job he asked me to leave him a review as he indicated that if there were cut backs in your company that it may stand him and the person he came with in good stead.
11. He told me that his name was Omar and the person who he was with was Jasmine.

Well, the above is his review.

This is what happened when the local TV company came in:
1. He plugged in his monitor and first evaluated the reception that I was getting by accessing my TV channels (Not done by TVaerials company)
2. His diagnostics showed I was getting 40% signal/reception. (45 is the minimum that one should get) I was standing next to him at the time. All other aspects of my TV were very good.
3. He went on to the roof and discovered that the cable was completely frayed and brought it down to show me that over a period of time the insulation on the cable had weathered and was brittle.
4. He put on a new bracket and rewired my TV.
It now plays perfectly. No amplifier and no rubbish about 5 G interference. No one else in this road has 5G interference and I am sure that my property is not the only one that is affected. My aerial is newer than theirs.
5. The aerials across the road are old analogue aerials which is why they are at that height. TVaerials told. As the UK is now digital it doesn't matter about the height of the aerial, an aerial will receive a signal without having to be raised to a height.
Aerials cost between £25 - £30
6. It is nonsense that the reception will be better if it bypasses the socket and there is no need (in fact potentially dangerous) to bypass the socket with insulation tape.
7. I was charge £150 for a bracket on my roof, new cabling and the replacement of the socket that your company removed.

As the Consumer Rights Act says that you can get your money back in 14 days, I called them and told them I wanted a refund which I received after a great deal more of lying and arguing with them. Having spoken to 4 different aerial companies who all told me the same thing, I was armed with an informative counter argument.

They wanted to charge me a "diagnostic" fee! I pointed out to them that they were falsely advertising as they say "no call out fee, free quotes."
Their argument is that they did the test, therefore the fee was owed to them.
How can one give a quote if one does not know what is wrong? Only by testing something (which was a lie anyway) can one assess the problem.
I was told that the free call out charge was only if they supplied hardware. If that was the case I questioned what the amplifier that they installed was. They stuck to their argument but I told them I was reporting them to the Advertising Standards Authority for false advertising.
I am waiting for my refund.
Know your consumer rights. Don't get ripped off.

Date of experience: December 3, 2020
1 review for Aerial Force UK is not recommended