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149 reviews
1792 helpful votes

Excellent consumer advocacy site dedicated to fighting...
November 8, 2011

Excellent consumer advocacy site dedicated to fighting for the rights of consumers. This site takes you directly even to your own representative to issue your concern and your complaint. Here is what the site says about itself. It is site that is dedicated to seeing the consumer be dealt with fairly.

"Consumers Union (CU) is an expert, independent, nonprofit organization whose mission is to work for a fair, just, and safe marketplace for all consumers and to empower consumers to protect themselves. The organization was founded in 1936 when advertising first flooded the mass media. Consumers lacked a reliable source of information they could depend on to help them distinguish hype from fact and good products from bad ones. Since then CU has filled that vacuum with a broad range of consumer information. To maintain its independence and impartiality, CU accepts no outside advertising and no free samples and employs several hundred mystery shoppers and technical experts to buy and test the products it evaluates.

CU publishes Consumer Reports, one of the top-ten-circulation magazines in the country, and ConsumerReports.org, which has the most subscribers of any Web site of its kind, in addition to two newsletters, Consumer Reports on Health and Consumer Reports Money Adviser. They have combined subscriptions of more than 8 million. All of CU's work is informed by the more than 1 million readers who respond to our Annual Ballot & Questionnaire, among the largest and most comprehensive consumer studies in the world. In 2008, CU also launched several initiatives, including ConsumerReportsHealth.org and the Consumer Reports Health Ratings Center, which serve to educate and empower consumers to make more informed health-care decisions and to help change the market.

To further advance its mission, Consumers Union employs a dedicated staff of lobbyists, grassroots organizers, and outreach specialists who work with the organization's more than 600,000 online activists to change legislation and the marketplace in favor of the consumer interest."

What I also love about this site is the transparency factor where they are very open on the site about who actually runs this consumer advocacy organization and I also love the consumer alerts that are sent to consumers to motivate them to join their voices together to speak out against a particular wrong in the marketplace.

This consumer activist is among the best out there and one cannot go wrong when they are fighting for you and are on your side as a consumer.

Date of experience: November 8, 2011