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Heres' my e-mail thread:
November 2, 2010

Heres' my e-mail thread:
11/02/2010 Processing -----Original Message-----
From: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Sent: Monday, November 01,2010 6:16 AM
To: 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Cc: xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: RE: Advanced Lamps Customer Receipt/Purchase Confirmation

I recently purchased a bulb per the below e-mail thread. I realize that these bulbs only hold a 90 day warranty, however the bulb has burned out already. We watch no more than 10 hours a week at best, which equates to a rough estimate of about 200 hours, again being a bit generous. I do have the unit plugged into a Monster surge as well as a UPS backup w/ surge, so electrical surges are ruled out...
The last bulb that came with this unit lasted about 3 years, and who knows how many hours, but certainly a lot more than ~200.

Can you please get back to me asap; as to see what can be done?

Much thanks,
11/02/2010 Completed The Warranty for this order has unfortunately expired on 8/18/10.

As per our policy:


The warranty period for this order starts from the original date of shipment and lasts for 90 days. The order is currently out of warranty; no exchanges can be authorized at this time. We can however help place a new order.

Date of experience: November 2, 2010