4 reviews for AdorableTalent are not recommended
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1 review
3 helpful votes

Scam- Run
September 16, 2018

This company is a scam, and I wish I took the opportunity to look at these reviews before I paid 600.00 for my kids shoot Dec 2017. The dates for the shoot kept getting changed either due to schedule conflicts and the weather. My son didn't take his photo until July 2018. I was told the photo would be available in 14-21 days. The day before the shoot around 9pm I received a tech from a girl name Whitney asking if I was able to change my shoot time to 2pm. I advised no because I had to drive back home. Whitney replied back with thank you see you all tomorrow. The day of the shoot I received a text from Jessica approximately an hour before my 1130 shoot time, stating the plane was departing late from NY and can be push it back an hour. I agreed because I knew this was possible despite thinking in my bed that the weather was clear. A hour passed by and I texted that we were coming over to the shoot location. Jessica stated that she had to wait on her baggage, then check in and change her clothes and to give her time to change. Time went by and I texted again ok are you ready because I had to drive back home. She replied to meet her at 2pm in the lobby and how check in took a while because there was a line at the check in for the hotel. I decided to get out the room and take the kids around to site see. I arrived to the hotel where she was staying approximately 20 mins early. The hotel is a site seeing spot as well. I texted and she replied that she was in her room and would be down, she was unaware that I was at her hotel. At 2pm I texted again and she advised she was on her way down and to wait. A few minsurws later I see her coming from outside and taking another child's shoot and had do audacity to ask me to take a picture of her, the child and her mother. She took my son's photos and advised that I would receive his photos through a link to download. Fast forward, as of today I still have not received his photos. I have email them, instagram message and text. I was first told parents normally do not request photos, I stated well I am that parent that would like her child's photo. More emails went out and I was told to send them my gmail email because the photos were to large for yahoo. I sent them my gmail and still not photos. I noticed that the did change their email address from *******@adorableTalent.com recently. I request a refund for my daughter's shoot that had not occurred yet. I was told refunds are not allowed. Please do not use this company. As you can see they are truly unprofessional and we all have the same experience with her and her company. I honestly this Jessica is the only one running the company and has several email accounts that you maintain. I wish we could rate them a zero.

Date of experience: September 16, 2018
4 reviews for AdorableTalent are not recommended