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2 reviews
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If you love the antique/vintage world, you'll love Diana!
February 22, 2022

As a vintage lover and secondhand items buyer/seller myself, I get valuable information from Diana's blog posts, youtube videos, emails, and the digital resources available on her website. Check it out if you are involved in the vintage/antiques/collectibles markets, casually or professionally, as a buyer or especially as a seller. Diana turned her hobby into a successful business which includes selling at seasonal craft shows, from a local antique store booth, and via major online platforms. Years of experience makes her a leading resource for beginners who want help to become successful vintage sellers. She teaches every step of the process through various digital books and study courses in a thorough and encouraging manner. And it's just fun to watch the periodic videos she puts together to share recent finds from estates sales, thrift stores, and flea markets in which she gives out tips for buying and selling, including how much she paid for each item and how much it should (and often does) sell for. You'll find https://adirondackgirlatheart.com full of free inspiration and info, including special "members only" resources. Diana takes a very personal approach to connecting with her followers and is very friendly. I have purchased a vintage poetry book from her web store and the transaction went perfectly. Enjoy!

Tip for consumers:

Expect a very involved business owner, with lots of experience, who know exactly what she's talking about!

Products used:

I purchased a book from the website, downloaded several free guides, and watched videos.

Date of experience: February 21, 2022