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1 review
3 helpful votes

Use AbeBooks at Your Peril!
January 25, 2021

I purchased a new copy of an expensive & relatively rare book from GoldBooks, a third party seller for AbeBooks, for $131.43. The first indication I had that something was wrong was when I realized I had never received the book, and when I checked the tracking number, it stated, that while a tracking number had been created, the book never made it to the post office. When I contacted GoldBooks, the owner, Alysia Farmer, told me that the book was lost in the mail, despite, as previously mentioned, the tracking number indicating that the book had never even made it to the post office. She said that she had sent me another new copy of the book.
In the meantime, GoldBooks had a new ad for the same new book I purchased, but now was selling the book for almost three times what I paid. I was immediately suspicious knowing that there weren't many new copies of this book around. Therefore, I wasn't surprised, when I received the book she finally sent, that not only was this book not new, it was a completely different book, a book that I hadn't purchased. It also wasn't nearly as expensive as the book I had purchased.
After many emails, Alysia finally admitted that she had my book, and would send it to me, but unsurprisingly, she has stopped responding to me, and AbeBooks has issued a refund.
I find it very disturbing that GoldBooks apparently defrauded me, and AbeBooks couldn't care less. I'm also concerned about whether I will ever actually receive the refund because AbeBooks will not give me a date as to when I will get the refund, and because many reviewers on this website have had difficulty receiving refunds.

Tip for consumers:

Stay away from AbeBooks & GoldBooks (a third party seller on AbeBooks)! They are scammers!

Products used:


Date of experience: January 25, 2021