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1 review
9 helpful votes

If you want to get robbed
March 26, 2020

If you want to get robbed. You're at the right place! You can find an actual conversation underneath this text with me and one of their robbers/frauds/failures.

Chat started

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Natalie joined the chat


Hello, how can I help you?

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I waited for a return for half a year and now im hearing the case will not be reviewed


Yes, correct.

You Please update your info

But you said you will refund

How is that okay?.


It was a year ago.

When you don't like something about your paper - you have 10 days to review it and ask for a free revision

You Please update your info

No it was in August

Yes I did and you said we will refund


When you need a refund, you have about 1-3 months to ask for it

You Please update your info

I did ask for it


Time passed. Deadline for any refund request as well

You Please update your info

Above is the evidence

But I REQUESTED it in August

Why are you making it seem like I'm asking for it now, when I immediately asked after failing AND uploaded proof of failure

As requested...

I want an answer for this, I did not expect you to treat me this way after I earnestly paid and believed in your team

Can I get an answer?


I have answered you numerous times above

You Please update your info

It's okay I will, write reviews about the way you treated me at every website I can. And I will upload the thesis 99papers wrote and the feedback of the teacher along with your comments and expose you for the frauds that you are. Thanks again once for failing and once for stealing.

Chat rated Bad

Don't be like me and believe in these frauds, they will fail you and they will not reimburse you.

Date of experience: March 26, 2020