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1 review
2 helpful votes

March 13, 2023

Like others, I started on 7Cups as a "Member": A few years back (early 2019), I was living an unstable, nomadic existence with no surviving family support and no close friends who truly understood my situation. The "Listeners" I talked to reminded me of outsourced callcenter agents. Better empathy could be channeled from a bot: In an attempt to understand my situation, it wasn't unusual for these "Listeners" to simply reiterate what I mentioned, or only reply with "sorry!" due to limited English comprehension.

When my personal stress started to cool (circa mid-2020), I decided to become a 7Cups "Listener" to pay it forward and relate to others in similar situations. Unfortunately, I was barking up the wrong tree with the second intention: 30% of individuals suffered from existing mental health issues (which should not be handled by an untrained layperson). Another 30% were bored attention-seeking trolls, and 30% on top of that complained about dysfunctional relationship drama (which also should only be handled by therapeutic mediators. Contrary to 7Cup's policies, there's no way to not give "advice" for relationship stress issues). All in all, only 10% of discussions were in scope with my chat topics, and there's no way to filter chat requests you didn't want to receive.

If you're being harassed by someone on 7Cups, nothing can be done about it. The so-called "Listener Support Room" consists of other Listeners only - not site admins. If you get blocked, censored, or eventually banned on 7Cups, the website will not give you a reason. This happened to me, and I can't think of any other justification apart from constructively going against the website's PC/WOKE grain. (I had a 100% positive Listener rating, BTW.)

If you're at a difficult impasse in your life, I recommend Warmline. You talk to someone who may not necessarily be a certified professional, but is compassionate, human, and lest we forget - local. I wish I knew about the Warmlines directory four years ago, and didn't waste so much time with 7Whoops.

Date of experience: March 13, 2023