3dcart is much more than 3 dimensional. I tried 4 different top ecommerce sites' free trials before finding 3dcart. I was so overly impressed by EVERYTHING about 3dcart, and their huge superiority over other ecommerce sites, that I was inspired to write a letter to management staff. (letter is shown below.). After Lee at 3dcart read my letter, he not only answered and made a big deal about my compliments to him, but he also did as I asked him to and looked at my NON 3dcart sites, then asked for my Facebook account and shared my unique dog sites with all his friends (many friends I should say). I still love everything about this company after 5 weeks of building my commerce site, especially the PEOPLE, the real life humans that run it and communicate with their clients. But just as impressive is the list of the multiple options that are available on the smallest 3dcart store plan compared to the largest plans of the other BIG commerce store options.
Now here is the letter I sent to Lee:
Hi Lee:
A big bow to a couple of your employees that made my choice to stick with 3dcart no matter what. I tried 4 other carts trials before discovering 3d cart. I had the pleasure to first encounter Cleveland in my initial contact on phone. That guy is priceless. I was aware that he was new without him telling me so... BUT, that is insignificant in comparison to his outstanding character. His kindness really did show through as if we were talking face to face. Though he was new, he was able to answer all my questions without putting me on hold and even threw in some knowledge he knew I needed that I never asked about. Good sales guy. Can't say enough about his human, yet professional manner. He's a REAL keeper and should sooth many of your trial members from the start, as this ecommerce thing can be intimidating to a first timer, even one such as I who has already created hundreds of blogs.
NOW about Xavier - Double whammy on the kindness and patience I got. Hard to tell the two apart in character. A groomed Cleveland will shine in professionalism and knowledge like Xavier does.
You have some very good foundational leaders there. It shows in your choice of staff. I really needed that first hour with Xavier just now on the phone. He never once made me feel I was wasting his time and he answered everything immediately and even got me started by watching my view of cart and saved me at least a full day of work right off the bat.
I would like to write a testimonial for your 3d cart when I have my site complete for publishing. I will want to know where to send the testimonial and hope it is so sizzling good that you will put it on your site. Im off to start editing my site now and my day looks awefully bright as well as my future now that I have found you guys.
Thanks for the opportunity to grow under your umbrella where I feel everything I needed to feel about an ecommerce company.
Respectfully Warm REgards,
Now for fun... and to make my day / go to my sites richdog.org
And watchdogcollar.com
And add a comment even if its only one word... PRETTY PLEASE...?
Thanks for the tools and encredible staff at 3dcart that enables me to take full action!
"Vision Without Action is Daydream
Action Without VIsion is Nightmare"
AND THAT, is still not enough to say about the FABULOUS 3dcart ecommerce site IMO.