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24bestex.com SCAM ME
June 29, 2019

24bestex.com scam me with 14 xmr at one exchange (around 1000 euro)
The course rate at the hour they send it to me was bigger than the course when i send it the btc to them.
24bestex.com scam

I exchange yesterday 3.071 btc in xmr and in my account i didnt receive the entire sum 365i receive only 352? 365.********? 4BG9jk6QExnhnwMMEKKif5gwyyP4jmRAocL9TQhNdZ4xVraLy69NKPpByDeFb4poqj494fvMEicjZCPZi64F6amuHA83N7P? Monero? *****:?!?: 24bestex.com/hst_bq2jMsbMTaMUCdKSjbaDmze5fK86PCStSmU/
Write the application number?
Okplease wait
I wait
The money was transfer because the course changed for all time
We sent you a letter with this information
Come on on what course you work Hello.

Bid status: paid
Link to bid: 24bestex.com/en/hst_bq2jMsbMTaMUCdKSjbaDmze5fK86PCStSmU/

Bid information
ID ***** by 2019-06-27 20:19:49
Exchange rate: 1 Bitcoin BTC -> 118.****** Monero XMR
Amount of exchange: 3.******** Bitcoin BTC account -> 365.******** Monero XMR on account of kKif5gwyyP4jmRAocL9TQhNdZ4xVraLy69NKPpByDeFb4poqj494fvMEicjZCPZi64F6amuHA83N7P
Sorry but this was indicated in the application manual

Date of experience: June 28, 2019