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New Jersey
1 review
1 helpful vote

Lack of transparency
March 23, 2021

I recently used their services. Will steer clear of them in future! Their pricing is highly subjective in nature and not very transparent. I live in Central NJ and perhaps their rates vary from franchisee to franchisee and from area to area, across the state and across the country! That is not really made clear.

You are very dependent on the pickup truck crew's eyeballing your load and telling you what fraction of a truck load that it represents, "in their opinion." That is the wrinkle. Also, they could, as a company, publish their rates by fraction of a truck load by local zip code or by region and email or message the rates to you ahead of time, if they wished to do so but apparently they do not so wish. They do not do so, as far as I could see, from my online searches. I will let readers speculate why they choose not to do this! I have arrived at my own conclusions!

Their online video commercial featuring their CEO, allegedly designed to explain pricing, really does so only in the very vaguest manner. So let me tell you what their rate card showed for my Central New Jersey zip code in this month of March 2021. Minimum charge cited was $185. Maybe that was for a single item. Their rate card did not specify what constituted a minimum load. For the lowest fraction of a load quoted on their rate card - i. E. a load of 1/8 of a truck they charged $225. They told me that I had 1/6 of a truckload which would cost me $285. A 1/2 load was $505 and a full load was $735. So it is a sliding scale and the rates go up less steeply the larger the fraction of a truck load that you require removed.

Now, to be fair, you can always refuse their services if you do not like their quote. However the lack of upfront transparency and the subjective nature of their eyeballed estimates really bothers/bothered me! Also please do not be dumb like me, I had filing cabinets and so to reduce weight for the crew I took out the drawers. Big mistake I told the crew that putting back the drawers on the truck would reduce the volume of my load. Do not try to be nice like me! My protest on this topic to the crew fell on deaf ears. So my advice to others is that it is best to leave drawers in. Do not be too concerned about the crew as they are not too concerned about you or your pocket!

Basically,. If I had not been expecting delivery of newer replacement furniture, the next day, I would have refused their services. However, for that reason, I did not really feel I had the option to do so, on this occasion.

Bottom line, personally, I am done with their services or at least until such time that I hear they are doing more to be more price transparent and reduce the estimating subjectivity!

Date of experience: March 23, 2021